A TRIP TO NEW YORK Комиссарова Л. А. Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия 1» Ковылкинского муниципального района.


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Places of Interest in New York. Although New York is not the capital of the United States, it is the biggest and most important city and seaport of the.

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New York New York is one of the largest cities in the world and the biggest seaport. It's the financial capital of the country. It's the business centre.
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Выполнил ученик 10 класса: Прядченко Евгений. New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest seaport. It is the business centre of the United.
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London is the capital of England. It is a very big city.
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New York New York is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest one in the USA.
American cities. Washington, the Nations Capital Washington D.C. is situated on the Potomac River. The author of the design for the capital city was the.
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is a city on the Hudson River and… New York City is a city on the Hudson River and… Manhattan Brooklyn Staten Island Queens Bronx Consists of five boroughs:
THE USA The USA Area9,363,000 sq. km PopulationOver 280,000,000. Capital cityWashington D.C. Main languageEnglish Largest cityNew York City.
Учитель английского языка Семенова Галина Александровна МБОУ сош 1 г.Александров Владимирская область 2012 г.
The Indians were the first population of New-York.
London is the largest area and capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is the ancient City of London.
Cities and towns Автор: Плотникова Ольга Петровна, учитель английского языка первой категории МАОУ СОШ 124.

A TRIP TO NEW YORK Комиссарова Л. А. Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия 1» Ковылкинского муниципального района

Phonetic exercise : 1)The Empire State Building 2)The Rockfeller Center 3)The Guggenheim Muiseum 4)The Statue of Leberty 5)The World Trade Center 6)Broadway 7)The Hudson River 8)The World Trade Center

Не место красит человека, а человек место. Всякий труд почетен.

Complete the sentences with the, no article. 1 … Nile flows into…Mediterranean Sea. 2 …Denmark is in… Northern Europe. 3 …Australia is much smaller than …Africa. 4 I saw a statue of Eros in…Picadilly Circus in the centre of London. 5 The Russian leader works in…Kremlin. 6 Manila is the capital of…Philippines. 7 …Statue of Liberty was presented to…USA by France. 8 The busiest shopping area is…Oxford Street. 9 …Vladivostok a Russian city in…Far East. 10 I like…music in general and really like…music in The Beach.

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