Визит доктора. У доктора. Урок английского языка.


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Визит доктора. У доктора. Урок английского языка

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Calling first aid –Hello –First aid here. What happened? –A man here is having a serious heart troubling –Name and age –Sidorov, 58 years old. –Address? –42,May Street apartment 16 –A car will arrive in 10 minutes

I don t feel well –I dont feel well. –Whats the matter with you,sonny, where does it hurt? –Where is the pain? –Ive got a very bad headache and my nose is running. –You have got a cold.Take this pill. Have a cup of hot tea with honey and go to bed.

Felling bad –Hello. How are you? –Im not doing well.Ive got a cold. –Oh,Im sorry to hear that.You must go to the doctor at once. –Well,Im sure, Ill recover in no time. –Take care of yourself. I hope you fell better soon –Thank you.

Словарный диктант: Помощь Помощь Головная боль Головная боль Лекарство Лекарство болезнь болезнь вылечить вылечить больной больной кашель кашель выписывать выписывать выздоравливать выздоравливать давление давление чувствовать чувствовать чихать чихать живот живот беспокоить беспокоить поранить поранить легкое легкое кровь, грудная клетка кровь, грудная клетка ломать ломать

Answer the questions: What did Lena tell her mother one morning? What did Lena tell her mother one morning? 2. Why did her mother say that she had caught a cold? 2. Why did her mother say that she had caught a cold? 3. What was Lenas temperature? 3. What was Lenas temperature? 4. Where did Lenas mother telephoned to? 4. Where did Lenas mother telephoned to? 5. How did the doctor examine Lena? 5. How did the doctor examine Lena? 6. What did she say after examination? 6. What did she say after examination? 7. What medicine did the doctor prescribe? 7. What medicine did the doctor prescribe? 8. Where did they get the pills? 8. Where did they get the pills? 9. How often did Lena have to take the medicine? 9. How often did Lena have to take the medicine? 10. What happened in the next few days? 10. What happened in the next few days?