ELASTIC-PLASTIC PHENOMENA IN SHOCK WAVES CAUSED BY SHORT LASER PULSES. Victor A. Khokhlov Nail A. Inogamov Sergey I. Anisimov Vasilii V. Zhakhovsky.


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ELASTIC-PLASTIC PHENOMENA IN SHOCK WAVES CAUSED BY SHORT LASER PULSES. Victor A. Khokhlov Nail A. Inogamov Sergey I. Anisimov Vasilii V. Zhakhovsky

ELBRUS-2010 Investigation of two-temperature relaxation in thin foil on a glass substrate initiated by the action of ultrashort laser pulse.

Н.А. Иногамов, Ю.В. Петров, Эльбрус-2010, ЖЭТФ, т. 137(3), , solid+liquid К.В. Хищенко и др.

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