Dogs that put up many hares kill none. Собаки, которые спугивают много зайцев, ни одного не поймают. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.


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Dogs that put up many hares kill none. [ z ]- dogs hares

Animals in our life

Animals Собака – Кот – Лошадь – Корова – Волк – Медведь – Кролик – Заяц - Лиса – Верблюд – Слон – Обезьяна – Змея – Лев – Тигр - a wolf a bear a rabbit a hare a fox a camel an elephant a monkey a snake a lion a tiger a dog a cat a horse a cow wilddomestic

Birds Утка –a duck an eagle a hen Орёл – Курица –

Fish Дельфин – Кит – a dolphin a whale

a horse

a monkey

a wolf

a rabbit

a fox

a camel

a duck

an eagle

a cat

a hen

a dolphin

a dog

a whale

True or false 1. A dog can fly. 2. A horse can swim. 3. A dolphin is a bird. 4. An eagle is an animal. 5. A fish can swim. 6. A fish lives in the forest. 7. A fox lives in the forest. 8. A horse is a slow animal. 9. A wolf is a fast animal. 10. A hen is a fish. 11. A bird lives in the nest.