1 Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu.N. Filatov 1,3, A.D. Kovalenko 1, A.V. Butenko 1, A.M.


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1 Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu.N. Filatov 1,3, A.D. Kovalenko 1, A.V. Butenko 1, A.M. Kondratenko 2, M.A. Kondratenko 2 and V.A. Mikhaylov 1 1 Join Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 2 Science and Technique Laboratory Zaryad, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprydny, Russia March 18 –19, 2013, Dubna, Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research International Workshop NICA-SPIN 2013

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3 lg(w/w D ) E p, GeV w D = lg(w/w D ) w D = E p, GeV 2.Integer res. spin = k Spin resonances at Nuclotron lg(w/w D ) 3. Nonsuperperiodic res. spin = m Q y, m kp E p, GeV lg(w/w D ) 4. Coupling res. spin = m Q x, m kp w D = E p, GeV w D = Intrinsic res. spin = kp Q y Dangerous resonances are marked with red caps dB/dt = 1 T/s An option: acceleration up to 6 GeV and extraction into NICA collider for further acceleration up to 12 GeV max. Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu. Filatov et al., Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake, NICA-SPIN 2013, March , 2013, Dubna

4 Solenoid Siberian Snake in Nuclotron Total longitudinal field integral: ( B || L) max = 21 T m Full Siberian Snake Partial Siberian Snake Total longitudinal field integral: ( B || L) max =10,5 T m ( y 6.8) E max =6 GeV is angle between polarization and vertical axis Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu. Filatov et al., Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake, NICA-SPIN 2013, March , 2013, Dubna

5 The scheme of the solenoid coupling compensation are angles between quadrupole normal and radial accelerator axis is quadrupole gradient Installation Siberian Snake into two free spaces L S, mL 1, mL 2, m L, m 1 2 2,20,20,50,15 50 E k, GeVB ||, Tk 1, m -2 k 2, m -2 G 1, T/mG 2, T/mG D, T/m /2 5/132,4/5,60,360,756,7/1614/33 5/134,8/110,631,1312/2821/5014/33 is the structural defocusing quadrupole D Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu. Filatov et al., Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake, NICA-SPIN 2013, March , 2013, Dubna

6 Spin Matching of the Proton Polarization Extraction into NICA Collider Extraction into the Main Experimental Hall Injection into Nuclotron The angle between polarization and velocity at injection energy is equal to The angle between polarization and velocity when transferring the beam from Nuclotron into NICA Collider The angle between polarization and velocity when transferring the beam from Nuclotron into the Main Experimental Hall In the case of Partial Siberian Snake the additional angle appears between polarization and vertical axis which equal to Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu. Filatov et al., Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake, NICA-SPIN 2013, March , 2013, Dubna

7 Summary & Outlook Предложена схема ускорения пучка поляризованных протонов с помощью соленоидальной сибирской змейки. Требуемый интеграл продольного поля при ускорении до 5 ГэВ в режиме полной змейки составляет 22 Тм. Этот интеграл поля позволяет сохранить поляризацию до максимальной энергии протонов в режиме частичной сибирской змейки. Предложена специальная компактная схема компенсации связи вертикальных и радиальных бетатронных колебаний, которая позволяет разместить соленоидальную сибирскую змейку в Нуклотроне. Предложенная схема соленоидальной сибирской змейки позволяет использовать Нуклотрон в качестве инжектора пучка поляризованных протонов в коллайдер НИКА и в экспериментальный зал. Аналогичную схему соленоидальной сибирской змейки можно использовать для сохранения поляризации протонов в бустере. Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake Yu. Filatov et al., Polarized Proton Beam Acceleration at Nuclotron with the use of the Solenoid Siberian Snake, NICA-SPIN 2013, March , 2013, Dubna

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