What does he/she look like? (What does Dave look like?) Pretty- симпатичный Good-looking- приятной внешности Charming- очаровательный Beautiful- красивый.


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What does he/she look like? (What does Dave look like?) Pretty- симпатичный Good-looking- приятной внешности Charming- очаровательный Beautiful- красивый Handsome- красивый (о мужчинах) Ugly- уродливый Unpleasant- неприятный Plain - непримечательный Attractive- привлекательный Shes beautiful. Она красивая. Hes handsome. Он красивый.

Height (рост): How tall is he? Какого он роста? Is he tall? Он высокий? tall (высокий) medium height (среднего роста) short (низкого роста) Hes tall/medium height/short/not tall. Он высокий/среднего роста/низкий. Hes 1 metre метр 73 см.

Age (возраст): How old is he? Сколько ему лет? young (молодой) middle-aged (средних лет) old (старый) He is a young/middle-aged/old man. Он молодой/средних лет/старый. Hes about/around thirty. Ему около 30 лет.

Weight (вес): thin (худой) slim (стройный) fat (полный) 'a beer belly (пивной животик) Shes thin/slim/a little fat. Она худая/стройная/полноватая.

What colour hair does he have? Какого цвета у него волосы? Straight – прямые Wavy- волнистые Curly- курчавые Thick- густые Thin- редкие, тонкие Long- длинные Shoulder length- до плеч Shortr - короткие Black hair- чёрные волосы Red hair- рыжие волосы Brown hair- каштановые волосы Blonde, fair- светлые волосы Brunette- брюнетка, брюнет Brown- шатен (ка) Blond, blonde ( блондин, блондинка) Red- рыжий, рыжая She has long dark hair. У нее длинные темные волосы. He is red-haired. У него рыжие волосы. Волосы (Hair)

Лицо (Face) Round- круглое Square- квадратное Oval- овальное Wrinkles- морщинистое Freckled- веснушчатое Pale- бледное Fair- светлое Swarthy- смуглое

Глаза (Eyes) Blue- голубые Hazel- кареглазый Green- зелёные Dark- тёмные Grey- серые Light - светлые Лоб (Forehead) Broad- широкий High- высокий Low- низкий Narrow- узкий Large- большой Small- маленький

Телосложение (Build) Slim- стройный Skinny- худощавый Fat- толстый Plump- полный Bony - костлявый Well-built- хорошо сложенный To have a good figure- иметь хорошую фигуру

Нос (Nose) Straight- прямой Snub- курносый Long- длинный Pointed- заострённый Hooked - крючковатый Губы (Lips) Full- полные Thin- тонкие Щёки (Cheeks) Plump – пухлые Hollow - впалые

Glasses (очки) Beard (борода) Moustache (усы) Scar (шрам) Bold (лысый) Plait (коса) Dimple (ямочка) Mole (родинка) She wears glasses. Она носит очки. He has a beard. Он носит бороду.

Martin: Your sister is wonderful, Howard. Cara: Yes, she is. She is very pretty too. Howard: Thank you. Cara: Is she very tall? Howard: Yes, she is. Cara: She has long arms and long fingers. Cara: What color are her eyes? Howard: They are blue. Cara: I like red hair and blue eyes.

Conversation 1: Waleed: Martin, does your son play football? Martin: He is not in the team. I don't want him to play football. He is too small. Waleed: He isn't very small. He's tall. Martin: But he's too thin. Conversation 2: Martin: What does he look like? Waleed: He's not very tall. Martin: What color is his hair? Waleed: I can't see the hair. He has a cap on.

Martin: Which girl is talking to Alan? Eileen: The tall one. Martin: Does she have black hair? Eileen: Yes. Martin: She is a girl in Alan's school. Eileen: She's very pretty. Sue: She's beautiful. I want black hair. Eileen: Your hair is very pretty. Martin: Yes, your hair is nice.

Look at this girl. She is rather tall. Her hair is fair. It is long, thick and plated. Her face is oval. She has big blue eyes and thick long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are dark and penciled, her nose is straight, her lips are rather thin. When she smiles we can see her white teeth and a dimple in her left cheek.

Look at this girl. She is a schoolgirl. She is ten, but she looks older than she is. She looks like her mother. She has rather small features, a snub nose and fair complexion. She wears short hair. It is chestnut. Her eyes are blue. She has a very pleasant smile. When she smiles, two very pretty dimples appear in her rosy cheecks.

He is an old man. His face is square. His forehead and cheeks are wrinkled. He has clever hazel eyes, overhung by bushy eyebrows. His eyes are rather small and deep-set. His nose is long. His lips arent thin. They are full. We cant see his chin, as its covered with a long beard. His beard and moustache are dark while his hair is grey. He has so little hair that we can say that he is bold.

- Hello! Can you help me? - What can I do for you? - You see, my cousin comes today and Ive promised to meet her at the station, but I have an exam today - Dont worry. How old is your cousin? - She is 16. she goes to school. - Is she tall? -- Not very. She is of medium height. -- Is she dark or fair? -- Her hair is fair but she has dark eyes and eyebrows. -- Does she look like your mother? -- Not quite. She resembles our grandmother with her straight nose and fait completion. -- I see. Your cousin is very good looking. -- Oh, yes. She is a beauty. -- Ill find her in the crowed, especially if you tell me her name and the number of her carriage.

Find antonymic pairs Dark eyes, snub nose, fair hair, thick hair, wavy hair, long eyelashes, rosy cheeks, even teeth, slender figure, dark complexion, full lips, long legs, plump Short legs, plump figure, blue eyes, fair complexion, thin lips, slim, straight nose, short eyelashes, uneven teeth, straight hair, pale cheeks, thin hair, thin lips

Match the following nouns and adjectives Mouth, teeth, chin, forehead, fingers, cheeks, waist, shoulders, hair, eyebrows, nose, eyes, features. Deep-set, slender, high, even, round, square, regular, narrow, curly, broad, shapely, thin, full, uneven, firm, penciled, hazel, bushy, wide-set, low, rosy, irregular

He was handsome with thin, even features and (черными густыми вьющимися волосами). The most unusual thing about him was his (темно-голубые глаза). She was a year younger than he, still (стройная и привлекательная). When she smiles two pretty (ямочки) appear in her cheek. Johnny is tall, (широкоплечий), with (густыми светлыми волосами), and (серыми глазами). You will recognize her by a large (родинка) in her left cheek. I have never seen such a beautiful (цвет лица). She was a pretty little girl. Her (золотистые) hair was (прямыми) and her blue eyes were soft and warm. He was a man of (среднего роста) with big (руками и ногами).

Ее мать невысокого роста, полная, с темными волосами и серыми глазами. Дочь совсем на нее не похожа. Она высокая блондинка, очень стройная, с большими карими глазами, темными бровями и ресницами. У нее большой но красивый рот, прямой нос и прекрасный цвет лица. Мой сосед – высокий худой мужчина лет пятидесяти. Его лицо не очень привлекательно. У него крупный нос, небольшие темные глаза, тонкие губы. Но когда он говорит или улыбается, его лицо сразу же становится очень интересным. Это была пожилая (elderly) леди лет 60, с седыми волосами, довольно полная, но все еще красивая. Девочка была прелестна с ее круглым личиком, ярко- зелеными глазами и вздернутым носиком. Ее темные волосы были заплетены в косы

Петя – маленький мальчик. Ему два года. Он маленького роста и толстенький. Он похож на своего отца. Лицо у Пети круглое и в веснушках. У него густые, кудрявые каштановые волосы, а нос маленький. Мне нравятся его большие серые глаза и белые зубы. У него полные губы и пухлые розовые щеки. Я думаю, он умный мальчик, так как у него широкий и высокий лоб.

Liza: Hi, John. Have you been waiting long? Excuse me, please. Im late. John: Its all right. Youre here now, and Im very glad to see you. Liza: Look here, John. Helens just called me. Shes coming by the 8.30 train. But I have a meeting at 8. Please do me a favour and meet her at the station. John: …Er. Liza, Ill do it with pleasure, but Ive never seen Helen. How can I recognize her? Liza: John, dont worry, its not so difficult as you imagine. Shes the exact copy of Lucie. Theyre the twin-sisters. Do you remember Lucie? Lucie Bradley? Eh? John: …um. Im afraid I dont. Who is Lucie Bradley? What does she look like? Liza: Its so strange that you dont remember Lucie. We met her the other day at the Smiths party. She was with Tom. John: Oh! I remember her! Shes a tall slim girl with a turned-up nose, beautiful blue eyes, curly golden hair and long shapely legs. Also she has rosy cheeks, perfectly shaped full lips and long curly lashes. She seems a bit silly but shes so merry. Is her sister as cheerful as Lucie? Yeah! Shes pretty enough, isnt she? Ill meet her sister at the station. If theyre so much alike…

Liza: Great! I see. You do remember her. As for me shes not slim, shes bony. Her rosy complexion, well-shaped lips, long lashes and beautiful eyes are the tricks of her expensive French make-up. Her eyes are rather small and close-set. She has straight faded hair and her forehead is low and narrow. Her legs seem so long and shapely because of the high heels! In fact her legs are slightly bandy. Besides shes not silly, shes tremendously dull! Well, John. Ill better meet Helen myself. John: But why, Liza? Liza: Perhaps because shes a tall long-legged blondie with blue naive eyes and not a short crooked old man with a bushy beard, false teeth and a squeaky wooden leg! John: Are you so jealous? Well, do it yourself. And what about your meeting? As far as I remember you are going somewhere. Liza: I suppose its not very important. I can easily cancel it. John: Then do as you wish. And would you mind my going to the station with you? Liza: No, no. Thanks a lot. John: Sure? Well… (murmuring to himself). Its just what I want. Id better stay home on my sofa and watch a football match on TV…