Presentation on the history of the Titanic Completed disciple 9 «b» class Epifanov Mihail Апрель 2012г.


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Presentation on the history of the Titanic Completed disciple 9 «b» class Epifanov Mihail Апрель 2012г.

«Titanic» - the ship, who challenged the higher powers. Miracle of shipbuilding and largest ship of its time. Builders and owners of the giant passenger fleet arrogantly declared: "God Himself could not sink this ship." However, floated out of the ship left for their first swim and did not return. It was one of the biggest disasters, forever entered the history of seafaring.

The history of the «Titanic» to the tragedy «Titanic» was founded on 31 March 1909 at the shipyards of the shipbuilding company Harland and Wolff» in Belfast, Northern Ireland, launched on may 31, 1911, passed sea trials 2 April Subdivision of the ship provided 15 watertight bulkheads in the hold, create 16 conditionally watertight compartments; the space between the bottom and the flooring of the second bed was the transverse and longitudinal septa 46 water-tight compartments. «Titanic» (RMS Titanic) - British параход company peskett, the second of three ships-twins such as «Olympic». The largest passenger airliner in the world at the time of its construction. During the first flight of April 14, 1912, collided with an iceberg, and after 2 hours and 40 minutes sank.

The Construction Of The «Titanic» Ship-giant almost gone from the stocks

The descent of the «Titanic» water passes successfully.

«Titanic» was officially launched, and transported to England

The last picture of the «Titanic»made from the shore in Ireland

The first days of the journey were to ship successfully, nothing boded ill, the ocean was calm. The night of 14 April the sea kept calm, but somewhere in the navigation area, there were icebergs. They are not embarrassed captain Smith... In 11 : 40 p.m from a lookout on the mast suddenly a cry was heard: "Straight ahead iceberg!"... About the further events that took place on the ship, known to all. The unsinkable Titanic failed to resist water and sank. Many factors bring about in that day against the Titanic. It was the fatal bad luck, destroyed the ship, the giant and more than 1500 people


The official conclusion of the Commission The official conclusion of the Commission that investigated the causes of the sinking of the Titanic read: steel, used for plating «Titanic», was of low quality, with a large admixture of sulfur, which made her very brittle at low temperatures. If the lining is produced from high-quality, viscous steel with low sulphur content, it would be largely absorbed the force of the blow. Metal sheets just вогнулись inside and damage to the hull would be not so serious. Perhaps, then, «Titanic» would be saved, or, at least, would have remained afloat for a long time. However, for those times this steel was considered to be the best, the other simply were not.

The factors behind the death of the «Titanic» It is worth noting the work of radio operators of the Titanic: the main objective of telegraphers was to maintain a particularly wealthy passengers - it is known that only 36 hours, radio operators have transferred more than 250 telegrams. Payment for Telegraph services were made on the spot, in the radio room, and at that time was very small and gratuities at this flowed. Radio operators constantly engaged in sending of telegrams and although they got several messages on drifting ice, they are not noticed

Lack of binoculars looking. The reason for this lies in the tiny key to a mailbox with binoculars. Tiny key that opens the locker where he kept binoculars, could save the Titanic and life 1522 of the dead passengers. It had to be, if not a fatal error to a certain David Blair. Ключника Blair was transferred from the service on the "unsinkable" ship just a few days before the ill- fated voyage, but he forgot to give the key from the locker with binoculars who replaced his employee. That is why on duty on observation towers liner sailors had to rely exclusively on their eyes. They saw the iceberg too late. One of the crew members, after that fateful night watch, later said, that if they binoculars, they would see an ice-before (let and reigned pitch darkness) and "Titanic" had time to change course".

Photo iceberg, made from Board кабелепрокладчика «Mina», which was one of the first ships found the corpses of passengers and the wreckage of the ship. Presumably, the Titanic could face it with the iceberg, because, according to the crew, «Mines», this was the only iceberg near the scene of the catastrophe iceberg belonged to that rare type of so-called «black icebergs» (перевернувшихся so that the surface gets their dark underwater part), which was noticed too late. The night was calm and moonless, otherwise lookahead would notice a sheep around the tip of the iceberg.

Despite warnings about the icebergs, the captain of the Titanic not slowed down and not changed the route, so he was confident in the unsinkable ship. Too high speed of the ship, which hit an iceberg on the case was the maximum force. If the captain in advance, at the entrance in the zone of icebergs, ordered to decrease the vehicle speed, the force of it hitting the iceberg would not be enough to pierce the hull of the Titanic.

The captain also not made sure that all the boats were filled with people. In result were far fewer people On the photo of the boat with the Titanic

On the ship was red rescue missiles signal of distress. Confidence in the power of the ship was so high that no one even imagined provide Titanic these missiles. And all could rest of инчае. Not the end of half an hour after the meeting with the iceberg, as the assistant of the captain shouted: Lights from the left side, sir! Vessel in five to six miles away from us! Боксхолл in your binoculars saw clearly that it was Monotube steamer. He tried to contact him via the signal lamp, but an unknown vessel did not meet. - Apparently, the ship and no wireless, they could not see not; - decided to captain Smith and establish a steering Rowe signal emergency missiles. When a signalman opened the box with missiles, both of them - and Боксхолл, and Rowe - were in a box were ordinary white missiles, not emergency red. - Sir, not believing his eyes, exclaimed Боксхолл, - here only white missiles! - Can't be! asked surprised capital tan Smith. But, convinced of the rightness Боксхолла, ordered: - Shoot white. Maybe they will realize that we have trouble. But no one guessed, we all thought that this celebratory salute on the Titanic

The place where the Titanic

Passenger steamer «California», the next flight London- Boston, on the evening of 14 April missed the «Titanic», and after an hour was clobbered by ice and lost stroke. His radioman Evans about 23 hours contacted «Titanic» and wanted to warn about the heavy ice situation and that they are overwritten by ice, but radioman «Titanic» Philip, just barely who established the connection with the Flight, roughly cut him off: - Trail! I'm busy and I work with the Cape Flight! And Evans «behind»: «California» was the second operator, the day was a difficult and Evans in 23 hours and 30 minutes officially previously reported about this to the captain, closed radiowatch. In the end all the wine biased investigation into the death of Titanic lay down on the captain California Stanley Lord until death protested his innocence. He was justified only posthumously, after that he gave testimony Hendrik ness, the captain Samson...

The night from 14 to 15 April The night from 14 to 15 April The Atlantic. Aboard a fishing vessel «Samson». «Samson» is returned from a successful hunt, escaped the meetings with the ships of the USA. On Board several hundred scored seals. An aweary crew rested. Watch carried the captain and his first mate. Captain ness was in their hosts in good standing. Flights his steamer have always been lucky and brought a good profit. Hendrik ness was known as an experienced and risk captain, not too scrupulous in violation of the territorial waters or in excess of the quantity produced of the beast. «Samson» is often found himself in an alien or prohibited waters, and his well- known ships of the U.S. coast guard, familiarity with whom he successfully avoided. In one word, Hendrik ness was great судоводителем and gambling, successful businessman.

Stages of flooding of the «Titanic» Sunday, April 14, 1912, 23:00 - California warns about the presence of ice, but radioman «Titanic» cuts off the radio before «California» time to tell the coordinates of the area. 23:40 In the point with coordinates 41 degrees 46'n, 50 degrees 14'w (it was later revealed that these coordinates were calculated incorrectly) at a distance of about 450 meters straight ahead was seen iceberg. Despite maneuver through 39 seconds happened touch underwater part of the vessel housing has received numerous small holes on the length of about 100 meters. 16 water-tight compartments of the vessel 6 were cut (in the sixth leak was highly unlikely). Monday, April 15, :05 - Became perceptible to trim the nose. Given the order to uncover the lifeboats and convene the crew members and passengers to the venue. 00:15 - «Titanic» transmitted the first radio and Telegraph signal for help. 00:45 - released first skyrocket, and launched the first lifeboat ( 7). Fore deck goes under the water. 01:15 - admitted to the deck passengers 3 class. 01:40 - released the latest flare. 02:05 - launched last lifeboat (foldable boat (D). The bow of the boat deck goes under the water. 02:08 - «Titanic» sharply jumps and moves forward. Wave rolls on deck and floods the bridge, washing in water passengers and crew onboard. 02:10 - handed last radio-telegraphy. 02:15 - «Titanic» highly pick up the poop, exposing the rudder propellers. 02:17 - goes out the electric light. 02:18 - «Titanic», quickly plunging, disintegrating into two parts. 02:20 - «Titanic» sank. 02:29 - At a rate of about 13 mph in the bow of the Titanic hits the ocean floor at the depth of 3,750 meters, burrowing in sedimentary rocks the bottom.

Articles in Newspapers about the «Titanic»

Titanic» at the bottom of the ocean

Over the past 19 years hull of the Titanic was subjected to severe destruction, the reason for that was not sea-water, and hunters for gifts, which gradually stole the remains of the ship. So, for example, with the ship disappeared ship's bell or mast lighthouse. In addition to direct looting damage to a ship causes time and action of bacteria, leaving behind only a rusty ruins

The most popular among all was the 1997 film shot by James Cameron starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the lead roles. This film not only won several Oscars but broke all records for the number of people came out to see the film. Besides a good game historians have noted the reliability of many of the events depicted on the screen. An interesting point of the film was to use the name of the protagonist Jack Dawson, whose tomb is really found in the cemetery of the victims of the Titanic, but it turned out that in fact J. Dawson was not Jack, and James, and as a fireman on the ship really was killed during the tragedy.

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