Alice Liddell Henry George Liddell. Кажется, я что-то слышу…


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Put the words into columns, according to the rules of reading [e], [æ], [ı], [i:], [ Λ ]: Put the words into columns, according to the rules of reading.
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Alice Liddell Henry George Liddell

Кажется, я что-то слышу…


cheesehoney an apple cabbage tea banana butter corn sweet cake tomato

fish porridge sandwich juice ham milk eggpizza orange bread

DO You Like riddles?

Do you like..? Вы любите…? Не хотите ли? Угощайся! Would you like? Help yourself! Я люблю… Я не люблю… I dont like… I like…

Its time to have a rest! I like to eat, Eat apples and bananas!

I like\ likes milk.

Alice like\ likes cake.

Alice are\ is\ am nice.

Alice have\ has a cat.

Alice has\ is \ can sing.

Do\ Does Alice like sweet?

Does\ Do you like tea?

Alice doesnt\ dont like cheese.

Please, read the words and you can go home! HamHam ParkCorn Girl CakeCake Sweet Milk LikeLike She

Домашнеезадание Упр. 4, стр.13 (р.т) Упр.5, стр.21(уч) Thank you! Вы мне очень помогли! Не забудь про домашнее задание!