S23-1 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 SECTION 23 MSC.FATIGUE UTILITIES.


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S23-1 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 SECTION 23 MSC.FATIGUE UTILITIES

S23-2 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005

S23-3 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 UTILITIES OVERVIEW n MSC.Fatigue has many utility modules, to help the users n 6 main categories of Utilities: u Fatigue Preprocessing Utilities u Material Management Utilities u Advance Loading Utilities u Graphical Display Utilities u File Conversion Utilities n A brief description of the most common Utilities is given here. For further details, see the following documents: u Quick Start Guide, MSC.Fatigue 2005 u Users Guide Volume 2, MSC.Fatigue 2005

S23-4 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 UTILITIES OVERVIEW (Contd.) n Utility Modules Names u Program names from nSoft have been prefixed with an additional m in MSC.Fatigue u Thus QLD (Quick Look Display) becomes mQLD etc. u This prevents any conflict between different installations of MSC.Fatigue and nSoft on the same machine. u The Quickstart Guide reflects this name change. However this summary and the MSC.Fatigue pull-down menus do not.

S23-5 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 ACCESSING MSC.Fatigue Utilities n GUI Access : The Utilities can be accessed from (MSC.Fatigue for MSC.Patran) Tools -> MSC.Fatigue pull down menu (MSC.Fatigue Standalone) Tools -> Fatigue Utilities pull down menu n System Prompt Access : The Utilities can be accessed by Typing the module names at the system prompt. For example, to invoke mqld (Quick Look Display), type: mqld

S23-6 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 LOADING UTILITIES n MSC.Fatigues main loading module is the Time History Manager (ptime). It includes the following data processing functions : u ASCII File Input u Waveform creation u Block Cycle Definition u Rainflow Cycle Counting u Polynomial Data Transformation u Data Display Tools

S23-7 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Time History Manipulation Tools n Arithmetic Manipulation (ART) n Spreadsheet Multichannel Editor (COE) n Edit, Extract & Join Data (LEN) n Combine Multiple Channels (MFM) n User defined formulae (FRM) n Multiple File Peak Valley Extraction (PVXMUL) n Simultaneous Value Analysis on Multiple Channels (SIMMAX) n Graphical Data Editor (GED)



S23-10 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 EDIT, EXTRACT & JOIN DATA - LEN

S23-11 PAT318, Section 23, March rear g2(g) A04. DAC secs rear g2(g) 3A04. DAC secs Screen 1 COMBINE MULTIPLE CHANNELS - MFM

S23-12 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Shortens loading time histories by retaining only the maxima & minima (turning points). Gating can be used to ignore small cycles by absolute or percentage values. Maintains phase across channels by considering all channels simultaneously. If a turning point is found in any input channel, the corresponding point is written to all the output.pvx files. MULTIPLE FILE PEAK VALLEY EXTRACTION- PVXMUL

S23-13 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Input.DAC files Output.PVX files - reduced number of points MULTIPLE FILE PEAK VALLEY EXTRACTION- PVXMUL

S23-14 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Simultaneous Value Analysis on Multiple Channels (SIMMAX) n Performs Simultaneous Value Analysis on multi-channels load history data, from either a single RPC, or multiple DAC files. The highest peaks, lowest valleys, or highest absolute maxima are first obtained by either scanning a single (control) channel, or each of the input channels. Simultaneous values of all other channels at the positions (in time) of the desired event(s) are saved into output files.

S23-15 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 GRAPHICAL EDITING OF DATA - GED

S23-16 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS/ STATISTICS n Amplitude Distribution Analysis (ADA) n Running Statistics (RSTATS)

S23-17 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 AMPLITUDE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS - ADA the probability of a certain amplitude in the time domain

S23-18 PAT318, Section 23, March calculating statistics for user-defined windows of data RUNNING STATISTICS - RSTATS

S23-19 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 FILTERING n Butterworth Filtering (BFL) n Fast Fourier Filtering (FFF)

S23-20 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 DATA FILTERING - FFF & BFL n Fast Fourier Filter (FFF) u Low Pass u High Pass u Band Pass u Band Reject n Uses FFT and Inverse-FFT to remove frequency content n Butterworth Filter (BFL) u Low Pass u High Pass u Band Pass u Band Reject n Simulates hardware filter n Forwards and Forwards- Backwards Methods n Up to 8th order cut off Frequency DomainTime Domain

S23-21 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 FREQUENCY ANALYSIS n Auto Spectral Density (ASD) n Frequency Response Analysis (FRA)

S23-22 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 AUTO SPECTRAL ANALYSIS - ASD n PSD u Area under PSD = Mean square amplitude n ASD u Area under ASD = amplitude n ESD u ESD = PSD x Time n Real & Imaginary n Magnitude & Phase of FFT - Calculating frequency content of data using FFT

S23-23 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS - FRA - transfer function analysis of single input - single output linear system n PSDs of input & output n Cross-Power Spectra between input & output n Gain, phase & coherence relationships

S23-24 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Original peak valley history for comparison PEAK VALLEY REGENERATION - REGEN - generating a time history from a cycle matrix

S23-25 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Fatigue Analysis (local or test based) Tools n Stress-Life Analysis (SLF) n Strain-Life Crack Initiation (CLF) n Multiaxial Strain-Life (MLF) n Frequency Domain Fatigue (FLF) n Crack Growth LEFM (FCG)

S23-26 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Other Fatigue Related Tools n Cycles Damage Analysis (CDA) n Time Correlated Damage (TCD) n Stress Concentration Library (KTAN) n Cycles / Matrix Listing (CYL) n Rosette Analysis (SSA)

S23-27 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 CYCLES AND DAMAGE ANALYSIS - CDA Compares number of cycles with the damage contribution of that stress or strain range - comparing 2D plots of 3D histogram data

S23-28 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 TIME CORRELATED DAMAGE - TCD - identifying the damaging portions of data

S23-29 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 STRESS CONCENTRATION LIBRARY KTAN Choose from graphical library of geometries and stress concentrations - calculating K t for standard geometries o h r t Kt = (r/t). (h/t) stress d d/4 d/8 r o o o A A B MM Kt is at point B (15 deg from vertical) N.B. Kt at point A is constant = 1.6 d r t MM s Nominal stress = M / ( d / 32 ) In this case r / d = 0.1 3

S23-30 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 ROSETTE ANALYSIS - SSA - analyzing the stress state of rosette data n Mohrs Circle n Calculates strain components from rosette n Biaxiality ratio vs Principal plots n Angle vs Principal plots n Elastic- plastic conversion

S23-31 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 DATA CONVERSION & OTHER UTILITIES n Data Conversion u Binary to ASCII (DTA) u MTS RPCTM File translators (DACREM/REMDAC) u Cycles Matrix to Time History (REGEN) n Other Functions u Convert data across platforms (CONFIL) u View / Edit Data Header (FILMNP) u Plotting setup on UNIX (PLTSYS) u Viewing Plots on UNIX (QPLOT) u Windows Plot Manager on NT (WNPLOT)

S23-32 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 EXERCISE n Perform Quickstart Guide Chapter 17 Exercises, Fatigue Utilities n Be sure to ask for help if theres anything you dont understand