Тема: Healthy Food ГОУ СОШ 1014 с гимназическими классами Учитель: Мустафина Регина Зульфатовна.


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I LOVE FOOD. Drinks: tea, … Vegetables: tomatoes, … Fruits: apples, … Cold food: cheese, … Hot food: fish,… Sweet food: pie,…
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Тема: Healthy Food ГОУ СОШ 1014 с гимназическими классами Учитель: Мустафина Регина Зульфатовна

What food is healthy? Как отличить здоровую пищу от нездоровой?

Представьте, что к вам пришел друг в гости или вы являетесь посетителем кафе. Разыграйте диалог: что вы любите есть? Что бы вы хотели съесть?

R e l a x Look left, look right. Look up, look down. Look around. Look at your nose, Look at that rose. Close your eyes. Open, wink and smile.

T e s t Are you a healthy child?

1. Do you often go to McDonalds? a never b seldom c often

2. What would you eat for breakfast? a porridge b hamburger with tea c pizza with coke

3. What would you eat for dinner? a porridge b meat c I would go to McDonalds

4. What would you eat for supper? a salad with orange juice b cheese c hamburger

5. Do you do morning exercises? a every morning b seldom c never

R e s u l t A : You are a healthy child B: You have some problems with your health C: Only doctor can help you!

THANK YOU! Homework : make up a menu
