Презентацию выполнила Пантина Земфира Халимовна учитель английского языка 1 квалификационной категории Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение.


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Natural disasters. Every year different natural disasters happen in our planet. Earthquake Hurricane Tornado Volcano Flood Drought.

Natural disasters. Every year different natural disasters happen in our planet. Earthquake Hurricane Tornado Volcano Flood Drought.
Is the Earth a Dangerous Place? Disasters Disasters earthquake earthquake hurricane hurricane tornado tornado volcano volcano flood flood drought drought.
Содержание : Is the Earth a dangerous place? Rainstorms Snowstorms Eruptions of volcanoes Tornadoes Hurricanes Floods Drought Forest fires Thunderstorms.
Natural disasters. A long period of weather with no rain is a drought.
Макарова Алена Валерьевна Учитель английского языка МОУ Лицей 33 Комсомольск-на-Амуре Natural disasters.
Look at the pictures and name the disasters. A large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain is an.
Составила учитель английского языка Зыкова Виктория Александровна, ГБОУ СОШ 2025, г. Москва.
a) is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry land b) is a sudden shaking of the ground c) is a very violent wind or storm d)
Is the Earth a Dangerous Place?. Natural Disasters Natural Disasters.
Adamova Sonya 8 b. We are given a chance to live in a beautiful and clean world, but mankind is destroying nature. Now we being are killing our planet!
By Tatjana Maltseva, school 138 SPb Match the types of disasters with the correct pictures. 1. Tornado. 2. Earthquake. 3. Forest fire. 4. Volcanic.
It is a wonderful world we live in.. Translate from Russian into English Защищать окружающую среду от загрязнения Носить защитную одежду Сбрасывать химические.
Geography A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth. Examples include: Floods Severe weather Volcanic eruptions.
Project ARE YOU A FRIEND OF THE PLANET? Выполнили:Бунтова Снежанна и Низовцева Алена - 6 класс 2011 год.
Подготовил: Чернышов Алексей. In our days the theme of the environment pollution spares attention. There is a great number of factors of nature pollution.
Environmental protection. Many years ago people lived in harmony with the environment because industry was not much developed. Now the situation is quite.
Television is a wonderful invention of the 20 th century.
This lesson is for secondary school pupils of 8-9 forms.
МОУ «СОШ 1 г. Гурьевска» Tornado Выполнил ученик 9 «Б» класса Хамидуллин Олег Руководитель Конивцова С.Н.

Презентацию выполнила Пантина Земфира Халимовна учитель английского языка 1 квалификационной категории Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа 48» г. Набережные Челны

T D E H Guess the key-word: These disasters are a big … for our planet. F F v

D A TN DG E HR F F v …is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually a dry land.

OLOD A TN DG E HR F F V …is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top.

OLOD ACL ONO TN DG E HR F F V …is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed

OLOD ACL ONO OTNRADO DG E HR F F V …is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water

OLOD ACL ONO OTNRADO UORDGHT E HR F F V …is a sudden shaking of the ground

OLOD ACL ONO OTNRADO UORDGHT EATHQA HR EKU F F V …is a very violent wind or storm


damage natural disaster explore storm do a lot of harm powerful happen hurricane do a lot of damage destroy violent weather disaster research occur Synonyms

damage natural disaster explore storm do a lot of harm powerful happen hurricane do a lot of damage destroy violent weather disaster research occur Synonyms

1985 год - в результате извержения вулкана Невадо дель Руис в Колумбии погибли 25 тысяч человек. In 1985 twenty-five thousand people died because of the volcanic eruption of Nevada del Royce in Columbia. Translate from Russian into English

1976 год - из-за землетрясения в Тяньшане (Китай) погибло 255 тысяч человек In thousand people were killed by the earthquake in China Translate from Russian into English

1931 год - вышедшая из берегов Желтая река унесла жизни 3,7 млн человек, ставших жертвами утопления, болезней, последовавшего за ним голода и засухи. In 1931 the flood on the Yellow River killed 3.7 million people because of sinking, infections,hunger and drought Translate from Russian into English

1737 год - природная катастрофа в Калькутте, Индия, унесла жизни 300 тысяч человек. Некоторые исследователи утверждают, что это было землетрясение, другие -торнадо In 1737 the natural disaster in India killed 300 thousand people. Some researchers say that it was an earthquake, but others think it was tornado. Translate from Russian into English

Источники информации: 1.М. З. Биболетова,Английский с удовольствием, учебник англ.яз. для 8 кл.- Обнинск; Титул,