LASER TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT technology of laser cutting of thick materials up to 50 mm with good quality laser of a power 1,5 кW.


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Defenders of the nature Lets save the Earth!. The environment means what is around us. The environment means what is around us. The most serious environmental.
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LASER TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT technology of laser cutting of thick materials up to 50 mm with good quality laser of a power 1,5 кW

Parameters: Average size of particles 35 micron Capacity 150 kg/h Power input 25 kW h/ton COMBUSTION OF MICROCOAL DISINTEGRATOR for microgrinding with mechanoactivation IT SB RAS Microgrinding without mechanoactivation: E = 190 kJ/mole Microgrinding in disintegrator with mechanoactivation : E = 70 kJ/mole

Plasma-thermal treatment of solid industrial and city waste (ITAM SB RAS) Plasma-thermal plant for treatment of medical waste Plasma-thermal plant for fine waste melting, power 1 MW The plasma-thermal technology is purposed to treat solid industrial and city waste of any hazard degree. being applied, its allows to combust combustible components in the waste, conversing them into the gas phase, and to melt inorganic part. The melted inorganic part of the waste is discharged into a water grainer, and then the glazed chemically inert slag can be used as a construction material.