МОУ Матвеево-Курганская СОШ 3 Английский язык Летние каникулы в деревне. (Summer holidays in the country) 5 класс (по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой ) Учитель.


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МОУ Матвеево-Курганская СОШ 3 Английский язык Летние каникулы в деревне. (Summer holidays in the country) 5 класс (по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой ) Учитель Наталья Ивановна Ильина

Цели урока: Познавательный аспект: знакомство с некоторыми экологическими знаками, используемыми в англоязычных странах. Развивающий аспект: воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде, потребности здорового образа жизни. Учебный аспект: дальнейшее развитие навыков монологической речи; тренировка навыков устной речи по теме «каникулы»; закрепление навыков выражения согласия и несогласия.

Summer holidays in the country

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend holidays

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to go abroad

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to gather mushrooms

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to pick berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to enjoy shopping

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to take care of

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to start a trip

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather to pick parentsabroad a trip shoppingholidaysmushrooms care of berries

Its time to practice todays vocabulary to miss parents

Ecological minute

Would you like to take this idea for your country holiday? You can get such card in the zoo or in safari park in the USA Earths Day Earths Day Ecological minute

Are you kind to trees? Are you kind to trees? Do the trees clean the air? Do the trees clean the air? Who lives in trees? Who lives in trees? What mustnt you do in the forest? What mustnt you do in the forest? Ecological minute

We are friends of the planet. We always take care of the nature. Ecological minute

Its better to ride a bike in the country, not to drive a car. We always take care of the nature. Ecological minute

Never cut trees and hurt them. They clean the air. Please, be kind to trees. Ecological minute