My travelogue. A travelogue is a film, a piece of writing or a speech about ones travel experiences. Nowadays you can find many travelogues on the Internet.


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My travelogue

A travelogue is a film, a piece of writing or a speech about ones travel experiences. Nowadays you can find many travelogues on the Internet. Archeologists, sailors, adventures and even children travelling the world are sharing their impressions on the Internet.

Whos writing the travelogue? A girl or a boy? How old is he/she? Wheres he/she from?

Treasure Hunter

travelled by bus by plane by car by train by boat/ ship on foot

How did the girl travel to London? How did she travel from London to Torquay? How is she going to get to Treasure Island?

travelled by bus by plane by car by train by boat on foot

Lesson 2

What was the quiz about? Who won the quiz? What are they going to do on the next day?

Первый глобус был создан немецким картографом Мартином Бехаймом в 1492 году. Он был вдохновлен открытием польского астронома Николая Коперника о том, что Земля круглая, а не плоская. Бехайм назвал свой глобус Earthapple (Яблоко Земли).

Compass rose in the North – на севере to the North of - к северу от North North-east East South-east South South-west West North-west

Points of the compass South are my shoes North is my hat East is this hand, And west is that.

Lesson 4

traveller – путешественник set off – отправляться discover – открывать explore – исследовать reach – достигать meet (met) – встречать (встретил)

An Italian traveller Marco Polo

An English pirate and explorer Sir Francis Drake

An English traveller James Cook

A Spanish traveller Christopher Columbus

Lesson 5

We met a famous traveller, Captain Brave. He gave us a map of a treasure island. The island was in the _________. We went by ____, then by ______ and then ____. We reached ____ and saw ____. So we ______. Then we saw ____. So we explored it. There was/were ______ in it. We _________. And then we found a treasure ______.

Running dictation Lets open the box. Its full of spiders. Theres a big beautiful shell there, too. Lets listen to it. It casts a magic spell. The spiders turned into gold.