The modern religious leaders speech (linguopragmatic characteristics) Adelina Salakhova Chelyabinsk State University, Russia.


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The modern religious leaders speech (linguopragmatic characteristics) Adelina Salakhova Chelyabinsk State University, Russia

Contents Communicative situation of modern religious discourse. Research of speech portrait in linguistics. Points of study. Verbal-semantic level. Cognitive level (precedent phenomena). Communicative level (communicative strategies). Conclusions.

Communicative Situation of Religious Discourse Communication in church Communication in little religious groups (out of church) Communication out of church, in the secular society

Confessional Leaders as Representatives of Religious Discourse Religious discourse is a type of institutional communication in the public institute of church. As a public institute church has its own hierarchy, which determines the roles of agents and clients. Agents of religious discourse are heads of church, cardinals, bishops, priors of church, priests etc.

Speech Portrait A set of speech characteristics of modeling social and cultural identity reflecting the membership of certain generation, a social class, following a speech to cultural traditions, the availability of local speech features, and also include strategies and tactics of verbal behavior: choice of one element and use them in speech, depending on the terms of communication and disuse, conscious or subconscious rejection of others. The speech portrait of the religious leader depends on the social status of this person, its position in the church hierarchy.

Points of Study Verbal-semantic level (phonetic, grammar, lexicon) Cognitive level (precedent phenomena) Communicative level (speech formulas)

Phonetic Level Patriarch Kirill Phonetically correct speech Church Slavonic (сестры, в глазах Божиих) Speech melodic (pause, intonational patterns) Pope Benedict the XVIth. Phonetically correct speech (German) Imitation of foreign pronunciation Speech melodic (pause, intonational patterns).

Grammatical Level Patriarch Kirill Slavonic Church (old Russian clichés) стяжать, Господь воздвигает Postposition possessive pronouns and adjectives Царствие Небесное, Патриарх Московский и Всея Руси, Церковь наша Long sentences (complex) 21,5 words in a sentence Pope Benedict the XVIth. Pronoun wir (inclusive) Long sentences (complex) 28,5 words in a sentence A lot of interrogative sentences Subjunctive moode Diese Gnade erlange uns die Heilige Jungfrau, zu der wir jetzt gemeinsam beten.

Lexical level Lexical groups: religious terms (Триединый Бог, die Barmherzigkeit, corpus Dei, mediator Dei), religious metaphors (агнец Божий, пастырь, der brennende Dornbusch, der Himmelreich), the common lexicon with religious semantics (грех, молиться / die Botschaft, das Dasein), the common lexicon getting religious connotation (Совесть – это голос Божий, ибо в голосе совести опознается человеком заложенный Богом в его природу нравственный закон/ Die göttliche Barmherzigkeit setzt dem Bösen eine Grenze – hat der Heilige Vater uns gesagt), the neutral lexicon (terms from other sciences - антропоцентризм, эвтаназия, биоэтика, der Voluntarismus, die Verifizierung, Subkultur), the colloquial lexicon

Cognitive level precedent phenomena Universal- precedent Names (Dostojevski, Haydn) Texts (Bibel) Statements Social-/ Confessional- precedent Names (Holy Fathers) Texts (Enzyklika, sermons) Statements Cultural-precedent Names (Сахаров) Texts Statements

Cognitive Level Names Patriarch Kirill Universal-precedent Жан-Жак Руссо, Эль Греко, ЮНЕСКО Confessional-precedent Иоан Дамаскин, Тихон Задонский Cultural-precedent Александр Исаевич Солженицын Pope Benedict the XVIth Universal-precedent Nietzsche, die israelische Außenministerin Golda Meir, Kalter Krieg, Sowjetunion Confessional-precedent Papst Parcelli, Papst Pius X. Eheleute Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi und Maria Corsini Cultural-precedent (confessional) Mariazell,Kardinal André Vingt- Trois (France)

Cognitive Level Texts Patriarch Kirill Universal-precedent Резолюция Европарламента Confessional-precedent Книга Бытия, десять заповедей Cultural-precedent Pope Benedict the XVIth Universal-precedent Confessional-precedent Buch Jesus Sirach, Petrusbriefe, Koran Cultural-precedent Controverse (Professor Theodore Khoury, Münster)

Cognitive Level. Statements Patriarch Kirill Confessional-precedent Да будет с вами благодать, милость, мир от Бога Отца и от Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Отчего, в истине и любви» (2 Ин. 1, 3). Вы –свет мира… Вы – соль земли (Мф. 5:13-14). Cultural-precedent Если человек не видит, что он совершает грех, то ему все позволено (Ф.М. Достоевский) Pope Benedict the XVIth Universal-preccedent Im Anfang war der Logos. Wir beweinen den Verlust eines großen Dieners für den Frieden (G. Meir) Confessional-precedent Meidet den Götzendienst (1 Kor 10,14). Wovon das Herz voll ist, davon spricht der Mund (Lk 6,45). Confessional-precedent (Latin) O Roma felix – o happy Rome. Idem velle – idem nolle

Communicative Level Speech formulas Appeals: Ваши Блаженства, Ваши Высокопреосвященства и Преосвященства, дорогие отцы, братия и сестры! Дорогие во Христе братья и чада! Liebe Brüder und Schwestern! Finishing formulas: И пусть Божие благословение и покров Царицей небесной пребывает со всеми нами! Аминь/ So können wir den rechten Weg finden, ihn Stück um Stück gehen, der getrosten Freude folgen, dass der Weg ins Licht führt in die Freude der ewigen Liebe hinein. Amen!) Religious clichés: Смирение – величайшая христианская добродетель. Вы – свет мира… вы – соль земли./ Wo Gott ist, da ist Zukunft. Wir sind alle dafür bestimmt: das Ewige Leben, das, wie Jesus uns versichert, derjenige schon besitzt, der sein Wort hört und Ihm folgt.

Communicative Level Strategies: Strategy of confessional identification, Explaining s trategy Evaluating strategy

Strategy of confessional identification Separation of we-group Separation of they-group Мы становимся свидетелями того, как концепцией прав человека прикрываются ложь, неправда, оскорбление религиозных и национальных ценностей./ Dieser Macht der Wahrheit trauen wir als Christen.

Explaining s trategy Tactic of definition (Само слово «достоинство» означает «то, что заслуживает уважения и чести, и то, что имеет большое значение и ценность»./ Das Wort idole kommt aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet Bild, Figur, Darstellung, aber auch Gespenst, Phantom…), Tactic of interpretation («Вы – свет мира»… «Вы – соль земли». Соль земли, свет мира… Не миру, а мира, то есть вы – самое лучшее, что есть в мире./ )

Evaluating strategy Tactic of blame (Общество, в том числе и наше, сталкивается с циничной подменой./Jeden Tag entstehen neue Sekten und es realisiert sich das, was der heilige Paulus über den Betrug der Menschen sagt, über die Verschlagenheit, die in die Irre führt.) Tactic of approval (Ich freue mich, denn Ihnen ist Weihnachten wichtig. Совсем еще недавно, в тяжкие десятилетия века, многие из них взошли на крест, на Голгофу, став священномучениками и исповедниками.)

Conclusions Depending on a communicative situation religious leaders use a various arsenal of language means. The speeches of modern religious leaders of Catholicism and Orthodoxy are characterized with correct pronunciation, middle tempo, high amount of compound sentences, rhetoric questions. The modern religious leaders use religious terms, clichés and metaphors, common lexicon with religious semantics, scientific terminology and common neutral lexicon in their speeches. All groups of lexical units have certain pragmatic influence on listeners and allow to shape necessary opinion on universal problems and to predict desirable behavior of the clients in a religious discourse. The feature of cognitive level is the use of confessional-precedent phenomena (texts, names, statements), also cultural-precedent phenomena. The leading strategies are the explaining and the evaluating strategies. The most used tactics are definition, interpretation and appeal to authority, ideal, tradition, belief.