Monday Breakfast 1 sandwich with cheese and sausage 2 tea with lemon Dinner 1 fish soup 2 fish mashed potatoes 3 coffee Supper 1 salad with salmon 2 orange.


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Подготовил: Архипова И.В. учитель английского языка МОУ Масальская СОШ.

Nikita Moklyak School 2 School 2 Form «3-A» Form «3-A»
MENU School 2 Form 3 – a Ilja Shurygin. Sunday-fish and cake.
FOOD еда bread butter cheese sweets cake juice.
FOOD учебный год REPEAT AFTER THE TEACHER! lemon apple orange water-melon grape pear pine-apple melon potato carrot cabbage cucumber nuts tomato.
Food. Danix Presentazii
Tea, coffee, apple juice, milk, water, bread, cheese, ice-cream, chocolate, rice, fruit, apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, eggs, biscuits,
Bread cheese fish sugar butter milk cake water.
THE FOOD I USUALLY HAVE Food and Drinks An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[I :] cheese coffee tea meat meat sweets green pea [I :]
Potato Tomato Cucumber Onion Carrote Pepper. banana orange kiwi grapefruit Apple.
Daily diet of a pregnant woman. Breakfast: Muesli with milk with different cereals, pieces of fruit and berries, nuts.
Appletomatosausagestea yogurt toasts rice eggs apricots table sandwiches T asstytreat.
chocolate sweets cheese milk juice a banana.
Potato banana orange kiwi grapefruit Apple Fruit Vegetables Cucumber banana pepper grapefruit Tomato kiwi Potato Apple orange Onion Carrote.
T HE 21 ST OF OCTOBER MONDAY. Green School Hello! My name is Bess. I go to Green School. I like chicken and fish.
Phonetic exercises [p] potato, apple, soup [t] butter, tomato, nut, carrot [dз] – juice, cabbage, jam, porridge [t] - cheese, cherry [i:] - sweet, tea.
Исчисляемые и не исчисляемые существительные Урок для 6 класса по К.И Кауфман Урок для 6 класса по К.И Кауфман Асташкина В.В Асташкина В.В учитель английского.

Monday Breakfast 1 sandwich with cheese and sausage 2 tea with lemon Dinner 1 fish soup 2 fish mashed potatoes 3 coffee Supper 1 salad with salmon 2 orange juice

Tuesday Breakfast 1 drawing porridge 2 bread 3 milk Dinner 1 noodles with chop 2 bread 3 tea Supper 1stew 2compote

Wednesday Breakfast 1 milk soup 2 bread with mask 3 yogurt Dinner 1borsch 2bread 3 milk Supper 1fruit salad 2apple juice

Thursday Breakfast 1roasted egg with sausage 2compote Dinner 1soup potato 2goulash 3 tea with lemon Supper 1frenchfries 2milk

Friday Breakfast 1noodle with mask 2 tea Dinner 1 mushroom soup 2bread 3 tea with lemon Supper 1 salad with cucumber and tomato

Saturday Breakfast 1 sandwich with cheese and sausage 2 compote Dinner 1meat dumplings 2sour cream 3 tea Supper 1 sausage 2 bread 3tea