Health & Body Care «Health is better than wealth».


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Health & Body Care «Health is better than wealth»

Could You Give the Russian Equivalent? A.Health is better than wealth. B.Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy and wealthy and wise. C.A green wound is soon healed. D.Dry feet, warm head bring safe to bed. E.A sound mind in a sound body. A.Health is better than wealth. B.Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy and wealthy and wise. C.A green wound is soon healed. D.Dry feet, warm head bring safe to bed. E.A sound mind in a sound body. 1. В здоровом теле - здоровый дух. 2. Здоровье дороже денег. 3. Держи голову в холоде, а ноги в тепле. 4. У молодых раны быстро заживают. (До свадьбы быстро заживет.) 5. Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. 1. В здоровом теле - здоровый дух. 2. Здоровье дороже денег. 3. Держи голову в холоде, а ноги в тепле. 4. У молодых раны быстро заживают. (До свадьбы быстро заживет.) 5. Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.

Match the Word Combinations 1. To listen to ones chest - 2. To listen to ones lungs - 3. To take ones blood pressure - 4. To take ones pulse - 5. To take ones temperature - 6. To take the medicine - 7. To take any exercise - 1. To listen to ones chest - 2. To listen to ones lungs - 3. To take ones blood pressure - 4. To take ones pulse - 5. To take ones temperature - 6. To take the medicine - 7. To take any exercise - A. Делать упражнения B. Измерять пульс C. Слушать грудную клетку D. Принимать лекарства E. Слушать лёгкие F. Измерять кровяное давление G. Измерять температуру A. Делать упражнения B. Измерять пульс C. Слушать грудную клетку D. Принимать лекарства E. Слушать лёгкие F. Измерять кровяное давление G. Измерять температуру

Guess the Word 1 T2 COUG3 H OA 4 REGULARLy 5 PD A6 COLD 7 SILLY N

Good Rules to Remember to Be Healthy

Smoking and Dental Problems Most of us know that smoking is bad for our health, but did you know that smoking is also a major contributor to many dental problems? Cigarettes aren't the only products only to blame. All forms of tobacco, including cigars, smokeless tobacco and hookah water pipes, pose dental health concerns.

Teenagers and Oral Piercing - Is it Safe? Oral piercing may be trendy among teenagers, but the side effects can be hazardous to their teeth and mouth. And many dont take the time to learn about the risks and dangers associated with oral piercing. Infection often accompanies oral piercings because of the abundance of bacteria that live in our mouth. Hepatitis can also be transmitted through unsanitized piercing instruments and equipment.

Teenagers and Food Our eating habits today are different from those of a generation ago in so many ways. Fast foods, take aways and eating out are part of this generation's culture. Parents often worry about whether their teenager is eating well enough. There are many changes during adolescence that can cause changes in eating behaviour. This is a time when your teenager is striving for independence, working out where he fits in the world and 'testing the waters' at home. Choosing friends, clothes, videos and leisure activities are important ways for your teenager to feel he can 'have a say' in his life. Choosing what and how he eats is another way. There are no simple solutions to improving your teenager's diet. Knowing about 'normal' teenage eating can help put your mind at rest.

Resources: ruptive_behaviour_and_problems.htm ruptive_behaviour_and_problems.htm