They say exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the thirteenth century when King Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants.


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They say exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the thirteenth century when King Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants.

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They say exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the thirteenth century when King Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants.

The animals lived in the Tower of London in a special place.

Later the King of Norway presented Henry III with a polar bear. The bear liked to go fishing in the Thames at the end of a long rope.

Five hundred years later Queen Charlotte was given the first zebra to come to Britain. She kept it near Buckingham House. Curious people came there to see it.

Giraffes have been an attraction at London Zoo since four of them arrived in Soon the giraffes were moved to Regents Park. One female gave birth to six babies within five years.

Today there are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo.

Nowadays a lot of people from Britain and from other countries visit London Zoo to see different animals, fishes, reptiles, birds and insects.

London Zoo helps to save endangered animals, gives its visitors the idea how rare species of animals look like.

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