ADVANCES IN HARVEST & POST- HARVEST TECHNOLOGY. 2 Fishing/Harvesting mean removals of fishes from water. Equipments for fishing are called fishing gears.


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2 Fishing/Harvesting mean removals of fishes from water. Equipments for fishing are called fishing gears. The types of fishing gear used and the way they are operated are controlled by various factors. N. B. IKENWEIWE (PhD)

3 Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Based upon: 1. the harvest rate 2. the recruitment rate of new (young) fish into the population a population can be harvested at the point in their population growth rate where it is highest (the exponential phase) Harvesting (output) balances recruitment (input) Fixed fishing quotas will produce a constant harvesting rate (i.e. a constant number of individuals fished in a given period of time) © 2008 Paul Billiet ODWSODWS

Declining natural supplies, increasing human population, and pollution provide the demand for growth in the aquaculture industry. Photo by David Heikes courtesy of USDA Agricultural Research Service.

5 MARKET A market is where we buy and sell or where buyers and sellers need to exchange commodities. criteria A market could be visible or invisible, however classification can be done based on different criteria Harvesting and Marketing of Fish N. B. IKENWEIWE (PhD)

6 On the basis of area: These are Local market National market International market On the basis of Time: Very short period (for perishable goods as fish, vegetables etc) where transaction makes place within a short time. Supply is always equal to demand in such markets. Short period- where demand always exceed supply during the transaction period. long period- All demand are satisfied, demand and supply curves are more elastic. Harvesting and Marketing of Fish N. B. IKENWEIWE (PhD)

7 On the basis of operation: Primary market Secondary market Terminal market On the basis of goods dealt with: Produce exchange Manufactured or semi-manufactured food market. Bullion market. Input market Capital market Harvesting and Marketing of Fish N. B. IKENWEIWE (PhD)

8 CONSTRAINTS TO AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT Poor quality fish seed Lack of cost effective fish feed Poaching lack of capital Unstable government and effective government policies. Faulty data collection Lack of environmental impact consideration, and Poor marketing structure. Harvesting and Marketing of Fish N. B. IKENWEIWE (PhD)


10 Introduction In some farms/water bodies, more fish is caught at times than can be consumed. Methods are used in keeping the surplus fish in good condition for later consumption. Again, fishermen sometimes cannot return to their villages promptly with fresh fish they have caught, and it will be of value to them to know how to preserve their catch by simple means. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

11 FISH PRESERVATION Preservation of fish is done to prevent spoilage. Since fish is very perishable, it is therefore, necessary to preserve fish if not consumed or disposed immediately. Fish preservation is the method of extending the shelf life of fish and other fishery products by applying the principles of chemistry, engineering and other branches of science in order to improve the quality of the products. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

12 Some of the important reasons for preserving foods are: To take care of the excess produce. Reaches areas where the food item is not available Makes transportation and storage of foods easier Preserving Foods at Home FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

13 PROPER STEPS IN HANDLING FRESH FISH Avoid exposing the fish to sunlight. Keep them in a shaded area. Ice the fish immediately after they are caught to lower their temperature. Remove the gills and internal organs. Avoid soaking the fish too long in the water after death as this easily spoils the fish. Use mechanical refrigeration if there are facilities. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

14 METHODS OF FISH PRESERVATION Salt is the preservative agent used to lengthen the shelf life of fish and fishery products. This is used in almost all methods of preservation except in icing, refrigeration and freezing. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY Salting

15 There many different kinds of salt, some being better than others for fish curing. However, in islands or in outlying places there is often no choice, and whatever is available in the way of salt has to be used, whether it is bought in a shop, prepared on the spot, or extracted from earth containing salt. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

16 Wet Salting: This is the cheaper, since it requires lesser amounts of salt. The principle is to keep the fish for a long time in brine. If the salt is coarse, it has to be ground or pounded first. It is then dissolved into the water by stirring with a piece of wood. To be good, the brine must float a fish FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

17 SMOKING Any kind of fish can be smoked. There are three main methods of smoking: (a) Smoking and roasting; (b) Hot smoking; (c) Long smoking. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

18 Smoking and Roasting : This is a simple method of preservation, for consumption either directly after curing or within twelve hours. Re-smoking and roasting can keep the product in good condition for a further twelve hours. Fresh unsalted fish is put over a wood or coconut husk fire. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

19 Hot Smoking : The hot smoking system can be used for immediate consumption or to keep the fish for a maximum of 48 hours. Small fish can be salted first for half an hour (see wet salting). After salting they are put on iron spits and dried in a windy place or in the sun for another half hour. It is necessary to have an oil drum to make the smoking stove. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

20 Long Smoking : If fish must be kept in good condition for a long time, for instance, two or three months or even longer, it can be done by smoking, provided the fish is not oily. For this purpose, a small closed shed made of palm leaves or other local material can be used. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

21 Cooking Fish can be kept for two or three days in the following way: Small drums (possibly oil drums) are cleaned and filled with water. Salt is added in the proportion of four parts water to one of salt. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

22 FISH PROCESSING Methods of fish processing a. Curing b. Icing c. Freezing d. Canning E. the use of additives or chemicals FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

23 Fish curing is defined as the method of preserving fish by means of salting, drying, smoking and pickling. Fish to be cured are usually first cleaned, scaled, and eviscerated. Medium-sized fishes are split through the backbone and top of the head, with the two halves joined by the belly skin, butterfly style. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

24 Fish canning : - is a process involving heat treatment of fish in sealed containers made of tin plates, aluminum cans or glass, until the product has been fully sterilized. FIS 708 ADVANCES INPOST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY

25 The canned food fish is also prevented from contamination by pathogenic organisms by storing them in a virtually airtight package. If heat treatment is properly carried out canned fish may remain in storage for several years without refrigeration.