Topic: Seasons and Weather Made by Danil Semenov and Kirill Gubarev.


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Topic: Seasons and Weather Made by Danil Semenov and Kirill Gubarev

Plan Our dialogue is about seasons Reforms in calendars Weather in the seasons

July is named after the Roman statesman and military leader Julius Caesar. June is on behalf of the Roman goddess Juno wife of the god Jupiter. August is named after the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

September, to my mind, is from the latin word septem(seven). Originally, in ancient Rome was the seventh month of the year. I dont know any about November. So I think, that November was the ninth month of the year. October is from the latin octo, in ancient Rome was the eight month of the year.

So, February is from the latin words Februarius(month of purification). The name is associated with a religious holiday. Held in Rome on 15th February. January is named in honor of the god of time Janus. December is from the latin decombre(ten). Originally, in ancient Rome it was the tenth month of the year.

Maybe, May is on behalf of the Roman goddess of spring Maya. March is on behalf the Roman god of war Mars. April is from the latin word aperire(open). At this time the earth is opened for growth.

Julian calendar Calendar reform implemented Pope Gregory XIII on the basis of the draft Italian physician and mathematician Luigi Lilio. The spring equinox was moved to March 21, in its place. And that mistake in the future to accumulate, it decided out of every 400 years, throwing for three days. Such a system is called the Gregorian, or "new style". In contrast to her for the Julian calendar solidified the name "old style" The reform of the calendar held in 46 BC Roman high priest, soldier and writer, Gaius Julius Caesar. The basis of the calendar, later called Julian, put solar year, the duration of which was taken to be days. But in a calendar year may be only an integer number of days. Therefore instructed to take three out of every four years for 365 days, in the fourth days. Gregorian calendar

Weather in seasons In the spring the weather is changeable. It sometimes rain, warm and sunny. People often have to change the type of clothes. Summer is time for traveling, so at this time, the resorts are very crowded. So the weather is sunny and very hot. In the autumn, children go to school, so we see them upset, but happy faces. The weather is changeable too, but usually its windy and rains. Winter... For children this time of year means slide, sled and snow. But for adults is ice, frozen engines and steamy windows.