Listen and repeat [ai] Hyde Park [ei] St James's Park [i:] - Regent's Park, Green Park, Speaker's Corner [e] Kensington Gardens [a:] - Green Park, St James's.


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Listen and repeat [ai] Hyde Park [ei] St James's Park [i:] - Regent's Park, Green Park, Speaker's Corner [e] Kensington Gardens [a:] - Green Park, St James's Park, Regent's Park, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens

Match Hyde Park Regent's Park Green Park St James's Park Kensington Gardens Speaker's Corner Грин-парк Трибуна оратора Кенсингтонские сады Риджентс-парк Гайд-парк Сент- Джеймский парк

Parks and Gardens of London What are London parks full of? What are these parks famous for? What are these parks beautiful with? Are parks free in London?


What park would you like to visit? Why?

Parks and Gardens of London

Regent's Park

Hyde Park

Kensington Gardens

St.Jamess park

What park would you like to visit? I would like to visit This park is full of This park is famous for This park is beautiful with You can there Park is free in London.

Карта самооценки учащегося 5+ - «5» 4+ - «4» 3+ - «3»