Учитель английского языка МБОУ « СОШ 15 ЗМР РТ » г. Зеленодольск, Респ. Татарстан Вязовцева Мария Васильевна Викторина « Добро пожаловать в Австралию »


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Учитель английского языка МБОУ « СОШ 15 ЗМР РТ » г. Зеленодольск, Респ. Татарстан Вязовцева Мария Васильевна Викторина « Добро пожаловать в Австралию »

Welcome to Australia

The 1 st task Your task is to put the missing letters Abro_d Abor_g_ne K_ngaro_ N _ tive Harb_ _r

К е уК е у Abroad Aborigine Kangaroo Native Harbour

The 2 nd task There are 20 parts of 10 words. Try to combine them into the words. Read the words. Archi- na Neigh- ture Ara-employment Flo- garoo Ko- bourhood Spa- ra Un-tecture Tempera- ala Fau-bic Kan- nish

К е уК е у Archi-tecture Spa-nish Neigh-bourhood Un-employment Ara-bic Tempera-ture Flo-ra Fau-na Ko-ala Kan-garoo

The 3 rd task Read the sentence and say if it is true or false 1) Canberra is the home of Australias government. TRUE 2) Sydney is the capital of Australia. FALSE 3) Sydney is the largest and the oldest city in Australia. TRUE 4) Canberra is a cyclists paradise. TRUE 5) Sydney Opera House is one of the greatest examples of 20 th century. TRUE

The 4 th task Complete the sentences 1. Australia was discovered in ______ by ________. 2. The discoverer of Australia claimed it for ___________. 3. The first settlers were ________________. 4. People rushed to Australia because _________. 5. Australias is located in __________ hemisphere. 6. The hottest month in Australia is ________.

The 4 th task 7. About 70 per cent of the population live in the __________. 8. ________ is the capital of Australia. 9. The Olympic Games were held in Sydney in ___________. 10. If in London its 8 a.m., in Sydney it is _______. 11. People in Australia speak ________. 12. Australia became independent in _____.

К е уК е у Australia was discovered in 1770 by James Cook. The discoverer of Australia claimed it for the king of England. The first settlers were convicts. People rushed to Australia because gold was discovered there. Australias is located in the southern hemisphere. The hottest month in Australia is January. About 70 per cent of the population live in the 10 largest cities. Canberra is the capital of Australia. The Olympic Games were held in Sydney in If in London its 8 a.m., in Sydney it is 10 p.m. People in Australia speak English. Australia became independent in 1931.

The 5 th task What is wrong in the sentences Australia is situated south of Asia between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. Canberra is the capital of Australia and the biggest city of Australia. Aborigines now comprise only 50 per cent of the population.

К е уК е у Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Canberra is the capital of Australia, but it isnt the biggest city. Aborigines now comprise only 1,5 per cent of the population.

The 6 th task Write the names of the territories on the map Western Australia Northen Territory South Australia Queensland New South Wales

The 7 th task Translate the sentences into English – first read the Russian variant, then – the translation. 1. Большая часть населения – англичане по происхождению. 2. Английский – основной язык, на котором говорят австралийцы, но один из пяти австралийцев также говорит на итальянском, греческом, арабском, китайском или испанском. 3. Средиземноморский климат, галереи, музеи, архитектура и парки привлекают туристов в Сидней.

К е уК е у 1) The population is mainly English in background. 2) English is the main language spoken, but one in five Australians speak also Italian, Greek, Arabic, Lebanese, Chinese or Spanish. 3) Mediterranean climate, galleries, museums, architecture and parks attract tourist to Sydney.

The 8 th task Answer the questions: What is the official name of the country? When was the Commonwealth of Australia formed? What kind of state is Australia? What is the capital of Australia? Who is the Head of State? How many states and territories are there in Australia? What is the population of Australia? Which is the official language in Australia?

The 8 th task What colour is the flag of Australia? Which are the national colours? What animals can be seen on Australias coat-of-arms? Which is the hottest month in Australia? What are the main ports in Australia? How long does kangaroo live? Can emu fly? What are Australians best-known animals? When is spring in Australia? What is the main occupation in Australia? What does Koala eat?

К е уК е у The Commonwealth of Australia In 1901 Constitutional Monarchy Canberra Queen Elizabeth 2 of Great Britain 6 and 2 More than 18 million people English It is blue, red and white

К е уК е у Green and g old The Kangaroo and emu January Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth 10 – 15 years No, it cant The Kangaroo, Koala, the dingo From September to November Agriculture Leaves of eucalyptus

The 9 th task Choose the right answer 1. What is the capital of Australia? Sydney Melbourne Canberra 2. When did Europeans settle in Australia? Which is/ are a popular Australian animal(s)? Koala Kangaroo Emu All of the above 4. Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms? Kangaroo and Emu Kangaroo and Dingo Koala and Parrot.

The 9 th task 5. Which city is Australias oldest and largest? Sydney Melbourne Canberra 6. Who are the Australian natives? Eskimos Aborigines Indians 7. Who discovered Australia? Christopher Columbus Captain Cook Lewis and Clark

The 9 th task 8. Australia is not a (an) Country Island City Continent 9. What is the official language in Australia? French German English 10. In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas? Spring Autumn Summer Winter

Список использованных источников Активные ссылки на материалы из сети 1. Вопросы о городах Австралии 2. Вопросы о местоположении и животных Австралии Вопросы о населении Австралии &Itemid=551 &Itemid=551 Активные ссылки на изображения 1. Изображение герба Австралии герб %20 австр алии &img_url= герб %20 австр алии &img_url= 2. Изображение карты Австралии ://yandex.ru/images/search?viewport=wide&text= австралия %20 кар та &img_url= ://yandex.ru/images/search?viewport=wide&text= австралия %20 кар та &img_url=