The Unga, Chuvashia, Russia Река Унга,Чувашия Автор Степанова Ольга Михайловна учитель английского языка МБОУ «Чадукасинская ООШ» Красноармейского района.


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The Unga, Chuvashia, Russia Река Унга,Чувашия Автор Степанова Ольга Михайловна учитель английского языка МБОУ «Чадукасинская ООШ» Красноармейского района Чувашия

The Unga is a river very near to us. Its source is in Cheboksarsky region, Chuvashia, Russia The word "Unga" derived from the ancient Chuvash word "Onga" that means "a ring current".

The current of the Unga is slow. In winter it freezes

The Unga that is 65 km long flows into the river Bolshoy Tsivil that is an estuary of the mighty Volga river Some people admire the small and calm river Unga and its environment. They relax walking along the both banks.

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Our famous national F.M. Lukin composers favorite place is the Unga. He was born in Savalsirma, the village that is very close to this river

1. How many bridges are there across the river Unga? 2. How many villages are situated on the banks of the river Unga? 3. Are there any poems about the river Unga? 4. Are there any famous quotes about the river Unga? 5. What famous people were born and live in the villages nearby the Unga river? 6. Your personal question. For your investigating

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