Lets Write an Opinion Essay Done by ELT Morozova S. V. svetlanabalakovo@mail.ru -2012-


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Lets Write an Opinion Essay Done by ELT Morozova S. V

Comment on the following statement. What is your opinion? Write words. Use the following plan: -make an introduction (state the problem) -express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion - express an opposing opinion -explain why you dont agree with the opposing opinion -make a conclusion restating your position

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С2 (максимум 14 баллов) К1. Содержание (3 балла) мнение высказано аргументы представлены выдержан нейтральный стиль

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С2 (максимум 14 баллов) К2. Организация (3 балла) высказывание логично структура текста соответствует предложенному плану средства логической связи использованы правильно текст разделён на абзацы

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С2 (максимум 14 баллов) К3. Лексика (3 балла) словарный запас соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче практически нет нарушений в использовании лексики

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С2 (максимум 14 баллов) К4. Грамматика(3 балла) грамматические структуры соответствуют поставленной коммуникативной задаче практически отсутствуют ошибки (допускается 1–2 негрубые ошибки)

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С2 (максимум 14 баллов) К5. Орфография и пунктуация (2 балла) орфографические ошибки практически отсутствуют правильное пунктуационное оформление

Make an introduction (state the problem) People have been(…-ing)…since time immemorial/nowadays=in recent years Today we still want/have/do/prefer… …getting more and more… …increasing/decreasing… Some people may be upset by…reasoning that… What/how…? Is it really so?

Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion I personally believe that/in my opinion/from my point of view First of allConsequently/for example/for instance Secondly As a result Finally/The next argument is… …such as,…

Express an opposing opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion On the other hand,some people believe that/they say that …so/because… besides However/though other people believe

Explain why you dont agree with the opposing opinion I strongly disagree with this statement, because… Nevertheless…

Make a conclusion restating your position Despite other peoples opinion I still believe that… All in all…

Task Its a pity that people dont write real letters anymore. The Internet is great for information but poor for sharing thoughts and emotions.

1. Communication via is more convenient you have no need to write by your hand you can use your keyboard 2. The Internet works faster than a post the e-letters will be got in a moment of delivery and replied on the spot 3. The ecological point of view the Internet doesnt waste a lot of paper 4. Our partner cant get us wrong special smiles and numerous marks can express our mood

We lose our individuality printing our message our handwriting shows a lot electronic letters cant tell us about the authors state and feelings

1 абзац (48 слов) Nowadays the Internet is a great source of information and means of communication. Many people prefer chatting online or writing electronic letters rather than sending real paper ones. Somebody may be upset by it reasoning that a virtual letter doesnt convey our emotions. But is it really so?

2 абзац (87 слов) I personally believe that the Internet is the best way to communicate. Its a common knowledge that letters are absolutely unpopular now. First of all, most people use the Internet because it is more comfortable: you have no need to write your letter by hand, you can use keyboard. Secondly, the Internet works faster than a post. The receiver of a message will get it immediately and reply on the spot. The third argument is the ecological point of view. The Internet doesnt waste a lot of paper.

3 абзац (51 слово) However, they say we lose our individuality printing our message instead of writing it in ink. Indeed, our handwriting shows a lot. Having looked at our words one can understand authors state, whether he or she was nervous, excited, annoyed or just indifferent. Electronic letters cant supply us with such information.

4 абзац (24 слова) But nevertheless, we can use numerous marks, dots and so-called smiles- symbols that express our mood so that our partner couldnt get us wrong.

5 абзац (58 слов) Despite other peoples opinion I still believe that e- letters can be quite expressive. They are rapidly delivered so we can learn what our partner thinks and feels at the moment. Although we dont write them by hand, we can put special symbols which help us get across what we really mean. Thats why has become so popular.

Good luck!