Green chemistry Қанжігітова Дана Женис Аршын. Green chemistry - fundamentally new innovative approach to reducing or total failure from the use of hazardous.


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Green chemistry Қанжігітова Дана Женис Аршын

Green chemistry - fundamentally new innovative approach to reducing or total failure from the use of hazardous and toxic chemicals substances. Organization of chemical processes in accordance with The principles of green chemistry include: - obtaining the necessary substances and consumer goods;

GREEN CHEMISTRY scientific direction in chemistry, which involves the creation and implementation of such chemical processes and industries that reduce or completely eliminate their impact on human health and the environment. The term was first introduced by chemist Paul Anastas in Green chemistry develops in the following directions: new principles of synthesis (often these are reactions using a catalyst); use of renewable sources of raw materials, reagents, materials; replacement of traditional organic solvents.

The main objectives of "green chemistry" Destroy contaminants entering environment; Stop their production - by replacing existing methods of producing chemical products to new.

The main danger for the environment are organic solvents, which occupy 10% of the total amount of pollutants. Currently, the industry is actively introducing environmentally friendly solvents instead of traditional ones. In addition, scientists have high hopes for the use of supercritical fluids - gases. Compressed at a certain temperature and pressure to a state in which their density approaches the density of a liquid, they have good dissolving properties, and are harmless to the environment.

the application of innovative technology to establish industrial procedures the development of environmentally improved routes, synthetic methods and processes to important products the design of new, greener and safer chemicals and materials the use of biotechnology alternatives to chemistry-based solutions Promote atom economy (that is, maximize the efficiency of production so that fewer by-products are made during the manufacture of the final product).

The systematic adherence to the principles of green chemistry allows you to reduce production costs, since the destruction and processing of harmful by- products, solvents and other wastes are not required, as they are simply not formed. Reducing the number of stages leads to energy savings, which has a positive effect on the environmental and economic assessment of production. Currently 5% of global production chemical products are manufactured using biotechnology