The most interesting states of the USA Project 2009-2010.


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The most interesting states of the USA Project

Studying of America is included into the program of training of a course of English language for 10 classes. We consider a geographical position, political system, mentioning history and culture of the country as a whole. In the work I wish to show features of certain states, and the given material can be used as the methodical grant on studying of the English speaking countries.

State of Alabama "We dare defend our rights " The official nicknames are Heart of Dixie, Camellia State, Lizard State Flag The arms Place on a card

The Spanish conquistadors were the first Europeans in this territory. The first settlement at gulf Mobile Bay has been based by Frenchmen in , later there were English settlements in northern areas. France has conceded all area of England after war in 1763, but the southern part remained with gulf Mobile Bay in hands of Spaniards till 1813 In 1814 general Andrew Jackson has suppressed resistance of Indians shout (Creek) and has moved them to Oklahoma. During Civil war of of Montgomery became the first capital of confederation. Hills of AlabamaMobile Alabama.

State of Washington The nicknames are Evergreen State, Chinook State. The state motto: "Gradually". Flag The arms Place on a card

It is a little history: In 1775 Spanish seafarer Bruno Hazeta has passed along coast. In 1792 American captain Robert Grej has risen upstream the rivers Colombia; in 1810 Canadian dealers furs have based Spokane- house; Americans led by John Astor have based a trading station at fort Okanogan in Missionary Markus Uitman has lodged near Uolla-Uolla in In 1855 in the northeast the gold deposit that has involved many new people has been opened. Mountain top "Rainer " Spokane City

State of Delaware The nicknames are First State, Diamond State. "Liberty and Independence" In 1631 around this Lewis Dutches have lodged, but have been destroyed by Indians. In 1638 around present Wilmington there was a Swedish settlement. Dutches have again appeared here in 1651 near Nju-Kastla (New Castle) and in 1655 have grasped the Swedish settlement, but in 1664 Delaware, as well as all colony the New Netherlands, have been grasped by Englishmen. History:

Flag The arms Place on a card Wilmington The river Delaware

State of Illinois The official nicknames are Prairie State, Land of Lincoln. The state motto : State sovereignty, national union Flag The arms Place on a card

It is a little history: Buyers of furs were the first Europeans in territory of Illinois, soon, in 1673, behind them the French researchers WHO in 1680 have constructed a fort nearby to present Peoria have followed. The first French settlements have appeared at a fort Saint Louis on the river Illinois in Frenchmen have conceded this area of England in 1763, American general George Clark in 1778 has grasped being in hands of Englishmen Kaskasia without a uniform shot. Defeat of Indians in war against the Black Hawk in 1832 and building of railways in 1850th have led to fast settling of territory. ChicagoMuseum of Illinois

State of California The nicknames are Golden State / El Dorado, Land of the Sky, Sierra State, Grape State. The first European researchers were Kabrillo (1542) and Drake (1579). Mission of the Alto-kalifornija in area San Diego in 1769, the first in a chain of the missions based by Franciscan monk Dzhunipero Serra was the first settlement. Dealers arrived to California in 19 century, have lifted terminated in failure "revolt under the bear flag" in After war with Mexico has the same year begun, armies of the USA occupied California, in 1848 Mexico has transferred its USA, "the gold fever" (gold rush) has the same year begun. History: The state motto: Eureka!

Long Beach Hollywood Flag The arms Place on a card

State of Minnesota The nicknames: North Star State, Gopher State, Land of 10,000 Lakes, Bread and Butter State, Wheat State. The state motto :" Northern / North star. Flag The arms Place on a card

The area has been open by buyers of furs and missionaries from the French Canada in XVII century. England has taken hold of territory to the east from the river Mississipi in 1763, after War for independence this area has passed to the USA, and in 1803 as a result of purchase of Louisiana to it the earths have been attached to the West from the river Mississipi. In 1862 there was a revolt of Indians Siy, after defeat they have been expelled for state limits. Minneapolis St. Paul

State of New York The official nicknames are Empire State, Excelsior, Knickerbockers State. Always up! Flag The arms Place on a card New York Rochester

It is a little history: Italian seafarer Giovanni Verratsano who in 1524 has entered into the New York gulf was the pioneer of this area. In 1609 Englishman Henry Gudzon who was in the service of Dutches, has passed upwards on the river. The same year Frenchman Samuel dе Shamplein, has opened lake Champlain. In 1624 Dutches have based the first settlement around this Albany, and soon Peter Minuit has bought island Manhattan from Indians, in 1626 the settlement New Amsterdam here has been based. In 1664 Dutch settlements have been grasped by Englishmen, and New Amsterdam have renamed into New York. State has received rapid development with opening of the channel of Erie, connected the river Hudson with Great Lakes in 1825.

State of Oklahoma The nicknames: Sooner State, Boomers State. The state motto: Work overcomes all. Flag The arms Place on a card

Oklahoma has been got the USA as a result of purchase of Louisiana in 1803 and was known as «American Indian territory», but has received the territory status only after resettlement there in of "five civilised tribes». On these earths lived as komachy, osadzy and other tribes of flat Indians. White people moved ahead on the West, becoming owners of the earths of Oklahoma on the basis of capture by the first come (by runs) and as a result lottery prizes. The first lottery has taken place on April, 22nd 1889, and the lottery in which the Cheroksky ledge in 1893 was played was the most well- known. Oklahoma was included Into structure of the USA in Oklahoma-City Tulsa

State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations The nicknames are Little Rhody, Ocean State, Plantation State. Flag The arms Place on a card

The colony Rhode Island has been based in 1636 by Roger Williams after it has been expelled from the Colony of the Massachusetsky gulf because of its religious sights. The king of England Charles II granted to John Clark Korolevskuju Gramotu for Rhode Island. Unique of 13 colonies, Rhode Island has received a full freedom of worship. With the beginning of industrial revolution in a colony the big class of the workers who did not have votes was formed. To % of free white men belonged to this category. In 1841 Rhode Island was unique state of USA in which not all free men had the right to vote. Newport Providence

State of Florida The official nicknames are Sunshine State, Orange State, Mockingbird State, Alligator State, Evergreen State, Flower State. The state motto: In God We Trust Flag The arms Place on a card

History: The Spanish conquistador of Ponce dе Leon in 1513 In 1565 was the first European who has seen Florida, there was a Spanish settlement Sent-Avgustin and Spaniards almost have completely exterminated Frenchmen. In 1586 Frensis Drake has burnt Sent- Avgustin and territory has passed to the short period to Englishmen, then again to Spaniards. After intrusion into Florida American armies under Andrew Jackson's command in 1818, Spain in 1819 has been compelled to concede its USA. War with Indians- seminolami has ended with eviction of the majority of Indians to Oklahoma. During Civil war Florida was as a part of Confederation. Fort LauderdaleMiami

At the end of my work I make a conclusion, that each state has the own name, an official nickname or a little such, the motto, a flag, the arms, and is noted on a map of the country. Thanks for your attention!

This work is done by pupil of the 10 th form Nesterova Darya