PASSIVE VOICE Подготовила учитель английского языка средней школы 35 Митякова Н.И.


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PASSIVE VOICE Подготовила учитель английского языка средней школы 35 Митякова Н.И.

Passive voice Passive Voice I am used when the doer of the action is not known or it is not important. The theme : Passive Voice to be past participle object predicats subject

Active Voice/Passive Voice Active Voice. Jack cuts the bread. Passive Voice. The bread is cut by Jack with knife. People throw waste into rivers. A lot of waste is thrown into rivers.

The aim of the lesson: The aim of the lesson is to get to know how somebody is treated by or with. We use this grammar material speaking about the important problems nowadays about ecological situation.

1) Phonetic drill take-taken-was taken build-is built-were ( was ) built were left- founded-written-made- done must be protected-cleaned-rested- used

2) Give English equivalent разрушенный, загрязнённый, выброшенный, спасённый, переработанный, построенный, выращенный, защищённый.

Cases of Usage: Read the following sentences and explain: Where we use the Active Voice and where we need the Passive Voice.

Exercises: Mother always gives me presents for my birthday. The bicycle was repaired by my father. We planted a lot of nice flowers in our garden some days ago. Our flat is cleaned by my mother on Saturdays. We shall build a new cottage next year. Newspapers will be brought to us in some hours. Lets make a rule. How is it formed? To be + Past Participle (V3)

4) Этап тренировки 1) Agree that: Bread is made of flour. Cabbage soup is made of vegetables. Butter was put into the fridge. Fruit will be bought at the mark tomorrow.

Этап тренировки 2) Disagree that: - Chairs are made from glass. - Magazines were bought at school. - Cheese will be made of flour. - Funny stories maybe retold by baby. Open the brackets using the Passive Voice: -A lot of animals (hunt) for their skin nowadays. -Different animals (catch ) for the zoo every year. - This factory ( build ) on the river last year. -Many books (write) about nature nowadays. - Some dangerous plant (close) last year. -Some rare animals (take) to National Park some years ago. - Water (poison) everywhere.

5) SPEAKING Say what is happening on our planet. litterPulled out. flowersHunted and killed treesisLeft and thrown away everywh ere birdsareCut down animalswasPolluted and spoiled airwere land water

6) What can you recommend to protect our Earth. Use notes. - Put letter, rubbish away. ( into special containers). -Dont leave it in the parks, streets, gardens. - Dont draw and paint on the walls, trees. Keep them clean. -Never beat and cut down trees and plants. - Plant and grow trees and flowers.

Test. 1. Put the verbs in the Passive form. (cut) trees (throw) waste (destroy) nature (poison) water (clean) environment

Exercise 2 2. Change the sentences into Passive. Nowadays people forecast weather more accurately. Children should take care of animals. Countries must not test nuclear weapons. Factories and plants must not poison water in the rivers. Humans should keep their environment clean. Man should not influence climate so much.

Exercise 3 3)Translate from Russian into English. 1) В наши дни проводят ядерные испытания. 2) Многие леса вырубаются. 3) Часто разрушают птичьи гнёзда. 4) Много мусора выбрасывают на улицы.