Passive voice. Нас приглашают на каждую вечеринку We are invited to every party. Соревнования проводили два года назад. The competitions were held two.


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Passive voice

Нас приглашают на каждую вечеринку We are invited to every party. Соревнования проводили два года назад. The competitions were held two years ago. Результаты экзаменов сообщат завтра. Exam results will be told tomorrow

Нас приглашают на каждую вечеринку We are invited to every party. Соревнования проводили два года назад. The competitions were held two years ago. Результаты экзаменов сообщат завтра. Exam results will be told tomorrow. Нас приглашают друзья на вечеринки We are invited to the parties by our friends

Нас приглашают на каждую вечеринку We are invited to every party. Соревнования проводили два года назад. The competitions were held two years ago. Результаты экзаменов сообщат завтра. Exam results will be told tomorrow

Be + V 3 Aspect Tense SimpleContinuousPerfect Present Past Future Am Is + V 3 are Was + V 3 Were Will be + V 3 Am Is being + V 3 are Was being + V 3 Were Have been +V 3 has Had been +V 3 Will have been V 3

All her books are translated into English. Patients are being taken care of at the moment. The tickets had been sold before we went to the theatre. A fashion show will be held next week. When was this building destroyed? A new shopping centre was being build when they arrived. Why havent the beds been made yet? All forms of discrimination will have been put an end to by the end of the next century.

Active Passive They always if I am busy. when I am busy. They now. now. They in five minutes. in five minutes. One of my friends to the cinema last night. to the cinema by one of my friends. look after is looked after are translating is being translated will finish will be finished took was taken my child My child this article This article the work The work me I

Active Passive He. We has just interrupted has just been interrupted. must do her She all these exercises. All these exercisesmust be done