Выполнил: Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ 38 Великанова Ирина Николаевна.


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Kinds of pollution Water pollution Water pollution Air pollution Air pollution Soil pollution Soil pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution.
Подготовила: учитель английского языка МОУ «Беловская СОШ» Балдина Любовь Сергеевна.
Project was done by Lisichkina Tanya, Petrova Olga, Osipov Dima.
Environmental protection. Many years ago people lived in harmony with the environment because industry was not much developed. Now the situation is quite.
What is it The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth's surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing.
Air pollution Ульянов Даниил 10 б. Air pollution is a major environmental problem, which represents a great risk for every living being on our planet.
Global ecological problems of the Earth. Water pollution Air pollution Land pollution Destroying of ozone layer Global warming.
Defenders of the nature Lets save the Earth!. The environment means what is around us. The environment means what is around us. The most serious environmental.
Ахмадиева Анара Кадырбековна, учитель английского языка.
Kinds of pollution Water pollution Water pollution Air pollution Air pollution Soil pollution Soil pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution.
Author of the project pupil 8 classes pupil 8 classes Kombarov Vadim People and Planet Earth.
WE WANT A CLEAN CITY Выполнилa Ученицa 9 «В» класса Маслова Алёна.
Environmental Problems Vsevolod Yakimov Grade 6 Б Teacher: E.R. Sibirina.
Environment problems. Pollution. Pollution in the WORLD Since ancient times Nature has served man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years.
Help the Earth!. 2. Work in pairs. Match the problems and the situations that cause them. Ecological problems A. Air pollution B. Water pollution C. Land.
Environmentalists say the air in a modern apartment 4 times dirtier than the outside, and 7 times more toxic. The main source of pollution - finishing.
The ecological problems of Kirov region. Kirov region When we talk about the environment we usually mean the air, the land, the water, and all the living.
Tropical rainforests grow in the hot, humid places near the Equator. The plants and trees in the rainforest grow to different heights.

Выполнил: Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ 38 Великанова Ирина Николаевна


Match the picture and the description Traffic pollution

More carbon dioxide

Factory pollution

Ozone hole

Fewer trees

crossword 1. A special type of oxigen around the Earth is called o. 2. Too much u____________ radiation is dangerous. 3. Every day we produce millions of tons of r. 4. Concentration of c___________ dioxide in the air is encreasing. 5. In most big cities, there is a lot of p. 6. Water pollution is d for health. 7, The temperature is rising and the c is changing. 8. Ozone is a type of o. 9. Global warming is also called g effect. 10.The t of the Earth is rising.