Sports Шмакова Галина Анатольевна Учитель английского языка.


Похожие презентации
Different kinds of sports. There are lots of different kinds of sports. What are they?

Different kinds of sports Презентация подготовлена Учителем английского языка ОГОУ КШИ «Верхнемамонский Матвея Платова казачий кадетский корпус» Абрамовой.
Работа Линденберг С.А., учителя английского языка, гимназия 157.
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Different kinds of sports. There are lots of different kinds of sports. What are they?
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* Objective: * By the end of the lesson students will be able to: * talk about their favourite kind of sports.
Horse-riding. Jogging Swimming Skiing Skating.
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* Objectives: * to develop students' listening, reading, speaking and grammar skills; * to revise and enrich students' vocabulary on the topic; * to practise.
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Sport plays a very important role in our life. Many people go in for sport because it helps to be healthy and to support a figure.
Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка КОУ КШИ ВО«Верхнемамонский казачий кадетский корпус» казачий кадетский корпус» Абрамовой Екатериной.

Sports Шмакова Галина Анатольевна Учитель английского языка

What sports are there ? Tourism - туризм

Horse race - скачки

Chess - шахматы

Wrestling - борьба

Weightlifting – тяжелая атлетика

Mountaineering - альпинизм

Swimming - плаванье

Figure skating – фигурное катанье

Parachuting – парашютный спорт

Cycling – велосипедный спорт

Football - футбол

Skiing – лыжный спорт

Boxing - бокс

Skating – конькобежный спорт

Basket-ball - баскетбол

Fencing - фехтование

Canoe - байдарки

Gymnastics - гимнастика

Tennis - теннис

Track and field athletics – легкая атлетика

Hockey - хоккей

What sports are summer sports ? Summer sports are …

What sports are winter sports? Winter sports are …

Answer questions ! What sport do you like? - I like … (sport). Which one would you like to try? - I like to try … (sport).

Answer questions ! What sports are in your school ? - In my school there are …. (sports). What sports are in your class ? - In my class there are … (sports).

Thank you !