How to Get Your Article Published in a Great Journal? Jagna Mirska-Gent – Publisher, Economics & Finance, Elsevier Marat Fatkhoulline – Account Director,


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How to Get Your Article Published in a Great Journal? Jagna Mirska-Gent – Publisher, Economics & Finance, Elsevier Marat Fatkhoulline – Account Director, Elsevier

Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Trends in Russian Scientific Community 2. Kazan State Medical University 3. Elseviers Role How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 2

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Kazan State Medical University Article Output from SCOPUS 21

Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Kazan State Medical University 2. Elseviers Role How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 22

Peer-Reviewed Journal Growth Year No of titles launched and still extant 2001 Source: M A Mabe The number and growth of journals Serials 16(2).191-7, 2003

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Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Kazan State Medical University 2. Elsevier How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 28

Search Methodology of Researchers The search methodology of the researchers can be characterized by trial and error. They have no planned search strategy, but start at random, experimenting both with the actual words and sources to use. … they never use manuals, etc., for instructions. The idea of contacting the library for help does not occur to them. They have little or no knowledge of the finer points of many information sources … researchers seldom use the library Web page as starting point …, and instead use bookmarks/shortcuts added by themselves … researchers have difficulties in identifying correct search terms. Searches are often unsuccessful. For many researchers, especially in the sciences, Google is the first choice for information – all kinds of information. Some [researchers] even state having moved from subject specific databases to Google. (Haglund and Olson, 2008)

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Impact Factor The number of current citations to articles published in a specific journal in a two year period In 2009 there were 200 citations to papers published in 2008 and 275 to papers published in divided by The total number of articles published in the same journal in the corresponding two year period. The journal published 180 articles in 2007, and 205 in 2008 Impact factor 2009 for this journal is: ( )/( ) = 1.233

Influences on Impact Factors: Subject Area

Additional sources & metrics ow-to-calculate-the-h-index

And Finally…… - Guide for authors!

Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Kazan State Medical University 2. Elseviers Role How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 40

41 However, editors, reviewers, and the research community dont consider these reasons when assessing your work. Your personal reasons for publishing: Get funding? Get promoted? PhD degree? ??? Always keep in mind that your paper is your passport to your community so: What is it that distinguishes an excellent article from a poor one?

Determine if you are ready to publish This could be in the form of: Presenting new, original results or methods Rationalizing, refining, or reinterpreting published results Reviewing or summarizing a particular subject or field If you are ready to publish, a strong manuscript is what is needed next You should consider publishing if you have information that advances understanding in a certain scientific field

What is a strong manuscript? Has a novel, clear, useful, and exciting message Presented and constructed in a logical manner Reviewers and editors can grasp the scientific significance easily Editors and reviewers are all busy scientists – make things easy to save their time

Type of your manuscript? Full articles/Original articles; Letters/Rapid Communications/Short communications; Review papers/perspectives Self-evaluate your work: Is it sufficient for a full article? Or are your results so thrilling that they need to be shown as soon as possible? Ask your supervisor and colleagues for advice on manuscript type. Sometimes outsiders see things more clearly than you. 44

Choose the right journal Ask help from your supervisor or colleagues The supervisor (who is sometimes the corresponding author) has at least co-responsibility for your work. You are encouraged to chase your supervisor if necessary Articles in your references will likely lead you to the right journal DO NOT gamble by submitting your manuscript to more than one journal at a time. International ethics standards prohibit multiple/simultaneous submissions, and editors DO find out! (Trust us, they DO!)

Elsevier offering: Investigate all candidate journals to find out Aims and scope Accepted types of articles Readership Current hot topics – go through the abstracts of recent publications)

Identify the right audience for your paper Identify the sector of readership/community for which a paper is meant Identify the interest of your audience Is your paper of local or international interest?

Choose the right journal Do not just descend the stairs Top (general) journals Field-specific top journals Other field-specific journals National journals

Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Kazan State Medical University 2. Elseviers Role How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 49

Read the Guide for Authors! Again and again! Stick to the Guide for Authors in your manuscript, even in the first draft (text layout, nomenclature, figures & tables, references etc.). In the end it will save you time, and also the editors. Editors (and reviewers) do not like wasting time on poorly prepared manuscripts. It is a sign of disrespect. 50

General Structure of a Research Article Title Abstract Keywords Main text (IMRAD) Introduction Methods Results And Discussions Conclusion Acknowledgement References Supplementary Data Journal space is not unlimited. Make your article as concise as possible. Make them easy for indexing and searching! (informative, attractive, effective)

Scientific Language – Overview Key to successful scientific writing is to be alert for common errors: Sentence construction Incorrect tenses Inaccurate grammar Not using English Check the Guide for Authors of the target journal for language specifications Write with clarity, objectivity, accuracy, and brevity.

Why Is Language Important? Save your editor and reviewers the trouble of guessing what you mean Complaint from an editor: [This] paper fell well below my threshold. I refuse to spend time trying to understand what the author is trying to say. Besides, I really want to send a message that they can't submit garbage to us and expect us to fix it. My rule of thumb is that if there are more than 6 grammatical errors in the abstract, then I don't waste my time carefully reading the rest.

Scientific Language – Sentences Write direct and short sentences One idea or piece of information per sentence is sufficient Avoid multiple statements in one sentence

Authorship Policies regarding authorship can vary One example: the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Vancouver Group) declared that an author must: 1. substantially contribute to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2. draft the article or revise it critically for important intellectual content; and 3. give their approval of the final full version to be published. 4. ALL 3 conditions must be fulfilled to be an author! All others would qualify as Acknowledged Individuals

Authorship - Order & Abuses General principles for who is listed first First Author – Conducts and/or supervises the data generation and analysis and the proper presentation and interpretation of the results – Puts paper together and submits the paper to journal Corresponding author – The first author or a senior author from the institution Particularly when the first author is a PhD student or postdoc, and may move to another institution soon. Abuses to be avoided Ghost Authors: leaving out authors who should be included Gift Authors: including authors who did not contribute significantly

Title A good title should contain the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of a paper. Effective titles Identify the main issue of the paper Begin with the subject of the paper Are accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete Are as short as possible – Articles with short, catchy titles are often better cited Do not contain rarely-used abbreviations Attract readers 57

Keywords In an electronic world, keywords determine whether your article is found or not! Avoid to make them too general too narrow (so that nobody will ever search for it) Effective approach: Look at the keywords of articles relevant to your manuscript Play with these keywords, and see whether they return relevant papers, neither too many nor too few 58

Abstract Tell readers what you did and the important findings One paragraph (between words) Advertisement for your article A clear abstract will strongly influence if your work is considered further Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) of composition CxN(SO2CF3)2 · δF are prepared under ambient conditions in 48% hydrofluoric acid, using K2MnF6 as an oxidizing reagent. The stage 2 GIC product structures are determined using powder XRD and modeled by fitting one dimensional electron density profiles. A new digestion method followed by selective fluoride electrode elemental analyses allows the determination of free fluoride within products, and the compositional x and δ parameters are determined for reaction times from 0.25 to 500 h. What are the main findings What has been done

Introduction The place to convince readers that you know why your work is relevant, also for them Answer a series of questions: What is the problem? Are there any existing solutions? Which one is the best? What is its main limitation? What do you hope to achieve? 60 General Specific

Pay attention to the following Before you present your new data, put them into perspective first Be brief, it is not a history lesson Do not mix introduction, results, discussion and conclusions. Keep them separate Do not overuse expressions such as novel, first time, first ever, paradigm shift, etc. Cite only relevant references Otherwise the editor and the reviewer may think you dont have a clue what you are writing about 61

Methods / Experimental Include all important details so that the reader can repeat the work. Details that were previously published can be omitted but a general summary of those experiments should be included Avoid adding comments and discussion. Write in the past tense Consider use of Supplementary Materials Documents, spreadsheets, audio, video, Reviewers will criticize incomplete or incorrect descriptions, and may even recommend rejection

Results – what have you found? The following should be included the main findings – Thus not all findings – Findings from experiments described in the Methods section Highlight findings that differ from findings in previous publications, and unexpected findings Results of the statistical analysis Figures and tables are the most efficient way to present results but … 63

Results – Figures and tables Un-crowded plots 3 or 4 data sets per figure; well-selected scales; appropriate axis label size; symbols clear to read; data sets easily distinguishable. Each photograph must have a scale marker of professional quality in a corner. Text in photos / figures in English Not in French, German, Chinese, Russian... Use color ONLY when necessary. Color must be visible and distinguishable when printed in black & white. Do not include long boring tables!

Discussion – what do the results mean? Check for the following: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section? Do you provide interpretation for each of your results presented? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported? Or are there any differences? Why? Are there any limitations? Does the discussion logically lead to your conclusion? Do not Make statements that go beyond what the results can support Suddenly introduce new terms or ideas 65

Conclusions Present global and specific conclusions Indicate uses and extensions if appropriate Suggest future experiments and indicate whether they are underway Do not summarize the paper The abstract is for that purpose Avoid judgments about impact 66

Avoid non-quantitative words, if possible e.g. low/high, extremely, enormous, rapidly, dramatic, massive, considerably, exceedingly, major/minor, … Quantitative descriptions are always preferred 67

References: get them right! Please adhere to the Guide for Authors of the journal It is your responsibility, not of the Editors, to format references correctly! Check Referencing style of the journal The spelling of author names, the year of publication Punctuation use Use of et al.: et al. = and others, Avoid citing the following if possible: Personal communications, unpublished observations, manuscripts not yet accepted for publication – Editors may ask for such documents for evaluation of the manuscripts Articles published only in the local language, which are difficult for international readers to find. 68

Supplementary Material Data of secondary importance for the main scientific thrust of the article Or data that do not fit into the main body of the article e.g. audio, video,.... Not part of the printed article Will be available online with the published paper Must relate to, and support, the article 69

Suggested length of a full article Not the same for all journals, even in the same field … pages is the ideal length for a submitted manuscript, including ESSENTIAL data only. Title page Abstract1 paragraph Introduction1.5-2 manuscript pages (double-spaced, 12pt) Methods2-4 manuscript pages Results and Discussion10-12 manuscript pages Conclusions1-2 manuscript pages Figures6-8 Tables1-3 References20-50 Letters or short communications have a stricter size limitation, e.g. 3,000 words and no more than 5 figures/tables. 70

Abbreviations Abbreviations must be defined on the first use in both abstract and main text. Some journals even forbid the use of abbreviations in the abstract. Abbreviations that are firmly established in the field do not need to be defined, e.g. DNA. Never define an abbreviation of a term that is only used once. Avoid acronyms, if possible Abbreviations that consist of the initial letters of a series of words Can be typical lab jargon, incomprehensible to outsiders 71

Make every attempt to make the first submission a success No one gets it right the first time! Write, and re-write …. Suggestions After writing a first version, take several days of rest. Come back with a critical, fresh view Ask colleagues and supervisor to review your manuscript. Ask them to be highly critical, and be open to their suggestions. 72

Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Kazan State Medical University 2. Elseviers Role How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 73

Cover Letter Your chance to speak to the editor directly Submitted along with your manuscript Mention what makes your manuscript special to the journal Note special requirements (suggest reviewers, conflicts of interest) Final approval from all authors Suggested reviewers Explanation of importance of research

The Peer Review Process - Overview Michael Derntl Basics of Research Paper Writing and Publishing.

First Decision: Accepted or Rejected Accepted Very rare, but it happens Congratulations! Cake for the department Now wait for page proofs and then for your article online and in print Rejected Probability 75-90%... Do not despair It happens to everybody Try to understand WHY Consider reviewers advice Be self-critical If you submit to another journal, begin as if it were a new manuscript Take advantage of the reviewers comments The same reviewer may again review your manuscript ! Read the Guide for Authors of the new journal, again and again.

First Decision: Major or Minor Revision Minor revision Basically, the manuscript is worth being published Some elements in the manuscript must be clarified, restructured, shortened (often) or expanded (rarely) Textual adaptations Minor revision does NOT guarantee acceptance after revision! Major revision The manuscript may be worth being published Significant deficiencies must be corrected before acceptance Involves (significant) textual modifications and/or additional experiments

Manuscript Revision Cherish the chance of discussing your work directly with other scientists in your community. Prepare a detailed Response Letter Copy-paste each reviewer comment, and type your response below it State specifically which changes you made to the manuscript – Include page/line numbers – No general statements like Comment accepted, and Discussion changed accordingly. Provide a scientific response to comments to accept, or a convincing, solid and polite rebuttal when you feel the reviewer was wrong. Write in such a manner, that your response can be forwarded to the reviewer without prior editing Do not do yourself a disfavour, but cherish your work You spent weeks and months in the lab or the library to do the research It took you weeks to write the manuscript Why then run the risk of avoidable rejection by not taking manuscript revision seriously?

Rejection: not the end of the world Everyone has papers rejected – do not take it personally. Try to understand why the paper was rejected. Note that you have received the benefit of the editors and reviewers time; take their advice seriously! Re-evaluate your work and decide whether it is appropriate to submit the paper elsewhere. If so, begin as if you are going to write a new article. Read the Guide for Authors of the new journal, again and again. 79

Outline Scientific Publishing 1. Kazan State Medical University 2. Elsevier How to get Published 1. Before you begin 2. Select your audience & choose the right journal 3. Prepare your manuscript 4. The review process What not to do… 80

Publish AND Perish! – if you break ethical rules International scientific ethics have evolved over centuries and are commonly held throughout the world. Scientific ethics are not considered to have national variants or characteristics – there is a single ethical standard for science. Ethics problems with scientific articles are on the rise globally. 81 M. Errami & H. Garner A tale of two citations Nature 451 (2008):

Plagiarism Detection Tools Elsevier is participating in 2 plagiarism detection schemes: Turnitin (aimed at universities) Ithenticate (aimed at publishers and corporations) Manuscripts are checked against a database of 20 million peer reviewed articles which have been donated by 50+ publishers, including Elsevier. All post-1994 Elsevier journal content is now included, and the pre is being steadily added week-by-week Editors and reviewers Your colleagues "Other whistleblowers The walls have ears", it seems...

Data fabrication and falsification Fabrication: Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them … the fabrication of research data … hits at the heart of our responsibility to society, the reputation of our institution, the trust between the public and the biomedical research community, and our personal credibility and that of our mentors, colleagues… It can waste the time of others, trying to replicate false data or designing experiments based on false premises, and can lead to therapeutic errors. It can never be tolerated. Professor Richard Hawkes Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy University of Calgary The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth. G.C.Lichtenberg ( )

84 The article of which the authors committed plagiarism: it wont be removed from ScienceDirect. Everybody who downloads it will see the reason of retraction…

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Спасибо! Вопросы? Jagna Mirska-Gent Publisher Finance and Economics Journals Social Science and Economics STM Journals Марат Фатхуллин Директор региональных программ Elsevier, Россия и Беларусь Ресурсы Elsevier: www. …