UNUSUAL MEANS OF TRANSPORT. THE TROIKA. Киекбаева Карина, 10а класс, МБОУ СОШ 6, г. Радужный, ХМАО-Югра.


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UNUSUAL MEANS OF TRANSPORT. THE TROIKA. Киекбаева Карина, 10а класс, МБОУ СОШ 6, г. Радужный, ХМАО-Югра

The troika is a sleigh drawn by a team of three horses- is, for many, a symbol of Russia.

It developed as a means of efficiently crossing vast distances at great speed. Up until 1860, the troika was the primary means of transport in Russia.

A journey in a troika is a wild, exciting and memorable experience. The troika is an image of Russian freedom and the Russian soul and spirit.

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