Система упражнений по формированию и совершенствованию лексических и грамматических навыков ГБОУ ДПО НИРО Система упражнений по формированию и совершенствованию.


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Prepositions of Time: at, in, on

Look at these examples: I have a meeting at 9a.m. The shop closes at midnight. Jane went home at lunchtime. In England, it often snows in December. Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future? There should be a lot of progress in the next century. Do you work on Mondays? Her birthday is on 20 November. Where will you be on New Year's Day?

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions:

Notice the use of the prepositions of time in and on in these common expressions:

When we say last, next, every, this we do not use at, in, on I went to London last June. (not in last June) He's coming back next Tuesday. (not on next Tuesday) I go home every Easter. (not at every Easter) We'll call you this evening. (not in this evening)

Look at these time expressions. Some use in, some use on or at. Put them in the correct column.

Write down your own examples

Match the words with their translation в пять часов at sunrise в полдень в пять часов at sunrise в полдень at midnight в полночь at noon на восходе солнца at sunset на закате солнца at five oclock at midnight в полночь at noon на восходе солнца at sunset на закате солнца at five oclock

в этом году last year в прошлом году this month в будущем году this year в этом месяце в этом году last year в прошлом году this month в будущем году this year в этом месяце last month в прошлом месяце next year next year

весной in winter летом in summer осенью весной in winter летом in summer осенью in autumn зимой in spring in autumn зимой in spring

in the evening Утром in the evening In the afternoon Вечером In the afternoon днём Вечером at night in the morning at night Ночью in the morning

Answer the questions in pairs. Fill in the gaps with at, on, in if necessary Answer the questions in pairs. Fill in the gaps with at, on, in if necessary Can you come ___ this Saturday? - … Can you come ___ this Saturday? - … Can you come ___ December? - … Can you come ___ December? - …. 3.- Can you come __ six oclock? - …. 3.- Can you come __ six oclock? - …. 4.- I will go ___ next Monday. And you? …. 4.- I will go ___ next Monday. And you? … He was born ___ the 20 th century, wasnt he? - … He was born ___ the 20 th century, wasnt he? - ….

6. - They go to church ___ Sundays, dont they? - … They go to church ___ Sundays, dont they? - …. 7.- Do you go to school ___ the morning or ___ the afternoon? - …. 7.- Do you go to school ___ the morning or ___ the afternoon? - … We rest ___ every night, dont we? - … We rest ___ every night, dont we? - … You go to school ___ eight, dont you? - … You go to school ___ eight, dont you? - …. 10. – She wont come home ___ the afternoon, will she? - …. 10. – She wont come home ___ the afternoon, will she? - ….

Test A.Put in the correct prepositions: in,on or at. 1. Dinner is usually ______ 7 oclock. 1. Dinner is usually ______ 7 oclock. 2. We have long holidays ______ summer. 2. We have long holidays ______ summer. 3. When have we got Biology? - ______ Friday mornings. 3. When have we got Biology? - ______ Friday mornings. 4. There is a school party ______ 31st January. 4. There is a school party ______ 31st January. 5. We are ______ the 21st century. 5. We are ______ the 21st century.

6. The game is ______ The game is ______ Is there a party ______ your brothers birthday? 7. Is there a party ______ your brothers birthday? 8. Where was he ______ the weekend? 8. Where was he ______ the weekend? 9. Where is he ______ the moment? 9. Where is he ______ the moment? 10. Your teacher isnt here ______ present. 10. Your teacher isnt here ______ present. 11. There are usually a lot of parties ______ New Years Eve. 11. There are usually a lot of parties ______ New Years Eve. 12. He wasnt there ______ the end of the concert. 12. He wasnt there ______ the end of the concert. 13. Where are you usually ______ the evening? And ______ night? 13. Where are you usually ______ the evening? And ______ night? 14. Do you get any presents ______ Christmas Day? 14. Do you get any presents ______ Christmas Day? 15. He was born ______ He was born ______ 1999.

B. Find the mistakes and correct them. 16. We usually go there ____in__ weekends __in____ spring. 16. We usually go there ____in__ weekends __in____ spring. 17. He phoned me __in____ Tuesday. 17. He phoned me __in____ Tuesday. 18. He gets up __on____ 7 oclock __at____ weekdays. 18. He gets up __on____ 7 oclock __at____ weekdays. 19. She was in hospital ___in___ that time. 19. She was in hospital ___in___ that time. 20. The school party is __at____ June 8th ___in___ 8 oclock ___at___ the evening. 20. The school party is __at____ June 8th ___in___ 8 oclock ___at___ the evening.