Aleksander Sergeevich PUSHKIN 1799-1837. Abram Petrovich GANNIBAL Pushkins Great-Great Grandfather, from Ethiopia.


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1 Презентация РАБОТУ ВЫПОЛНИЛА УЧЕНИЦА ГБоу СОШ г. Санкт-Петербурга «5 А» КЛАССА Слинькова Екатерина.
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Aleksander Sergeevich PUSHKIN

Abram Petrovich GANNIBAL Pushkins Great-Great Grandfather, from Ethiopia


Arina RODIONOVNA Pushkins nurse

Czar Aleksander I Ruled Russia

Lyceum at Tsarskoe Selo

Young Pushkin recites before Poet Derzhavin

The Hussar Evgraf Davidov Painting by Orest Kipresnsky

Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky Hero of the War of 1812

Czar Nikolas I Supressed the Decembrist rebellion

Natalya Goncharova- Pushkina Pushkins wife

The Pushkins One of many statues to the famous poet

Georges- Charles dAnthes After killing Pushkin in a duel, dAnthes lived to a ripe old age.

The duel by I. Repin

Statue in Moscow

Bronze Horseman

By sculptor Falconet

Aleksander Sergeevich Pushkin Russias greatest poet