Trofimova E. A. School 27 Vladikavkaz 2014 10 best love confessions in English.


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Trofimova E. A. School 27 Vladikavkaz best love confessions in English

«Love for all ages...» - explained Pushkin. The mouth of the poet, as they say, tells the truth! We will learn Who and What the Great People think about love in English. Sayings of famous personalities come to help when logic and reason keep silence.

It seems that everything is already written, sung, filmed about love; written so much that it is impossible to add anything new. And every time we love again and again and sometimes we cant say a word. As a rule, unexplained state posseses mind and language, generating the phrase: «I am like a dog: I understand all but I can't explain». Even our smaller brothers can make a confession in English. Do not believe? See for yourself!

Even our smaller brothers can make a confession in English. Do not believe? See for yourself!

Were you inspired by the example? It's time to learn that the state of love «the patient» is absolutely normal. Lets subject the phenomenon of love to the glare of truth, inviting to the microphone famous personalities.

What is love?

Love is... And where we have no word, someone gets great continue.. On the eve of Valentine's Day we can use these phrases for a beautiful signature on the card. Wonder your sweetheart not only eloquence, but knowledge of English!

Love is being stupid together. - Любовь - это дурачиться вместе. Пол Валери Love is a game that two can play and both win. - Любовь - это игра, в которую могут играть двое, причем оба - выигрывать. Ева Габор To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction. - Любовь - это не смотреть друг на друга, а смотреть вместе в одном направлении. Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. - Любовь - это непреодолимое желание быть непреодолимо желаемым. Роберт Фрост

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell. - Любовь - это пламя. Но ты никогда не можешь предсказать, согреет ли она твое сердце или сожжет твой дом. Джоан Крауфорд If you wish to be loved, love! - Если хочешь быть любимым - люби! Сенека Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Искренняя любовь кого-либо к тебе дает тебе силы, а твоя искренняя любовь к кому-либо - смелость.Лао Цзы

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Храни любовь в своем сердце. Жизнь без любви - это сад без солнца, все цветы в котором увяли. Оскар Уайлд Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'- Незрелая любовь говорит: "Я люблю тебя, потому что нуждаюсь в тебе". Зрелая любовь говорит: "Я нуждаюсь в тебе, потому что люблю тебя". Эрих Фромм

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Храни любовь в своем сердце. Жизнь без любви - это сад без солнца, все цветы в котором увяли. Оскар Уайлд

The British are better than others in understanding the nature of love. The phrase to fall in love is the best way to characterize the process of starting a personal Apocalypse, not submitting to the laws of nature.

No matter how much we talk about the love, try to understand its «chemistry» and «physics», but we cannot unravel the eternal puzzle. It is also difficult to explain the meaning of life. Everyone deep in love has a personal reply..

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