Раздел 3 (Грамматика и лексика)-20 заданий; 13 Заданий с кратким ответом 7 заданий с выбором из четырёх предложенных Рекомендуемое время 40 мин.


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Раздел 3 (Грамматика и лексика)-20 заданий; 13 Заданий с кратким ответом 7 заданий с выбором из четырёх предложенных Рекомендуемое время 40 мин.

Требования В4-В10 ; В11-В16 *Обязательно прочитать весь рассказ. *Определить какую часть речи следует преобразовать. *обязательно обратите внимание на тип предложения, если есть not следует подумать как образуется отрицательная форма в требуемом времени. *перечитайте весь рассказ и убедитесь, что вставленное слово грамматически и лексически подходит правильно *перенесите ваши ответы в бланк ответов Рекомендуемое время-10 мин.

Prefixes anti=against-antinuclear bi=two-bilingual co=with-cooperation de=acting against-decomposition ex=before, former- ex-general inter=between=international over=too-much=overeat post=after=postwar pre=before=prejudge re=again=reread semi=half=semicircle super=above=supernatural trans=across=transatlantic tri=three=tricycle under=not enough=underestimate uni=one=unicycle

There are certain prefixes which show an opposite state. un- unhappy ir- (before r) irrestible im- impossible il- (before l) illegal mal- malfunction in- incompetent dis- disagree

Suffixes ee (with passive meaning)=employee er (with active meaning)=employer ful a) with=careful b) indicates quantaty= spoonful ish a)with the quantaty= childish b)rather=smallish less without=careless proof- safe against=waterproof

To describe people we add -ar music- musician -er -or -ian

Nouns formed from verbs -age-break-breakage -al-propose-proposal -ance-annoy-annoyance -ation=organise-organisation -ence=prefer-preference -ment=amuse=amusement -sion=suspend=suspension -sis=analyse=analysis -fion=direct-direction -y=perjure=perjury

Nouns formed from adjectives -ance-tolerant-tolerance -cy-fluent-fluency -ence-obedient-obedience -ion-desperate-desperation -iness-happy-happiness -ity-popular-popularity -ment-content=contentment -ty=royal=royalty -y=honest=honesty

Nouns formed from verbs -able-bearable -ive-decide-decisive

Verbs formed from adjectives / nouns -en-dark-darken; fright- frighten

B4 Tommy was wearing a thick warm scarf and looked very happy. He _______ a HAVE sore throat. Its your fault, said Mum angrily in the morning when she was leaving for work. Youve eaten too much ice cream, havent you? Tomorrow your friends are going on a picnic, and you will stay at home. B5 Tommy switched on the telly but there. _____________ nothing interesting on. BE He reached for the bookshelf and took an old book with a picture of a ship B6 on the cover. He had lots of books but_________ reading them, as he NOT LIKE prefered films. However, he opened the book. It was about the adventures of a brave captain B7 and his _______ On their way to India they survived through storms and fought SEAMAN B8 pirates. A treasure chest _______________ by them at the end of the journey. FIND When Mum came home, she saw Tommy searching the bookshelf. The book with a ship on the cover was on the bed. My favorite book, said Mum. I liked it when I was as old as you are now. Why dont you want to read it? B9 Because I __________ it already. said Tommy. READ B10 I_________ For another one. LOOK

Girl Pop Stars B11 The most ___________ pop group in history was the Beatles and the SUCCESS most exiting bands of the 1960-s and 1970 were male bands. B12 The Spice girls were ___________ when they became famous in the USUAL 1990-s. However, now female pop- groups are not only common but quite interesting from a B13 ________ point of view as well MUSIC B14 But what happens when a schoolgirl _______becomes very wealthy SUDDEN and well- known? B15 She leaves behind the boring life other girls lead? Earns a lot of money and buys _________ clothes… EXPENSE B16 She gets _______ to trendy parties. Will she forget all her INVITE old schoolmates

Рекомендации к выполнению задания 3 (А22- А28) *Задание 3 нацелено на проверку словарного запаса, а не грамматики. Что чаще всего проверяется? Это- глаголы, предлоги, устойчивые словосочетания; а также слова, близкие по форме или по значению (make; do) *Прочитать весь рассказ и понять содержание в целом, чтобы понять его основное содержание и подумать какое слово подходит. *Перечитайте до первого пропуска. Выбор правильного слова может зависеть от предлога, стоящего после пропуска. *Прочитайте предлагаемые варианты и сделайте выбор. *Полагайтесь на интуицию. *Не оставляйте пустые клетки. *Проверьте все ли пропуски вы заполнили. Перепишите ваши в бланк ответов 1 Рекомендованное время-20мин.