Infinitive constructions. Seem to V Seem to V He seems to know English well. He seems to know English well. Кажется, он хорошо знает английский. Кажется,


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Infinitive constructions

Seem to V Seem to V He seems to know English well. He seems to know English well. Кажется, он хорошо знает английский. Кажется, он хорошо знает английский.

The book seems to be very popular with children. The book seems to be very popular with children. She seems to speak French. She seems to speak French. He seems to be ill. He seems to be ill. They seem to know each other well. They seem to know each other well. He seems to have gone to the south. He seems to have gone to the south. You friend seems to be waithig for you in the hall. You friend seems to be waithig for you in the hall. Ben seems to be sitting in the café. Ben seems to be sitting in the café. She seems to be very honest person. She seems to be very honest person.

Is/are (un)likely + to V Is/are (un)likely + to V They are unlikely to come back soon. They are unlikely to come back soon. Маловероятно, что они скоро вернутся. Маловероятно, что они скоро вернутся. The ship is likely to arrive tonight. The ship is likely to arrive tonight. Корабль,вероятно, прибудет сегодня вечером. Корабль,вероятно, прибудет сегодня вечером.

His book is very likely to be published this year. His book is very likely to be published this year. The conference is likely to be held in Moscow. The conference is likely to be held in Moscow. The weather is unlikely to change. The weather is unlikely to change. This question is very likely to be discussed at the meeting today. This question is very likely to be discussed at the meeting today. He is unlikely to come here. He is unlikely to come here. She is likely to be at home at six. She is likely to be at home at six. It is very likely to rain today. It is very likely to rain today.

is/are sure(certain) to V is/are sure(certain) to V They are sure to come to Moscow. They are sure to come to Moscow. Они непременно приедут в Москву. Они непременно приедут в Москву.

He is sure to come in time. He is sure to come in time. They are certain to take part in the concert. They are certain to take part in the concert. The telegram is sure to have been delivered. The telegram is sure to have been delivered. The film is sure to be very interesting. The film is sure to be very interesting. They are certain to help us. They are certain to help us.

happen to V happen to V They happened to know each other. They happened to know each other. Случилось так, что они знают друг друга. Случилось так, что они знают друг друга. He happened to be at home at that time. He happened to be at home at that time. Oн случайно оказался дома в то время. Oн случайно оказался дома в то время.

I happened to be at home when he called. I happened to be at home when he called. They happened to meet in the hotel. They happened to meet in the hotel. There happened to be a doctor at that time. There happened to be a doctor at that time. I happened to meet him in Sochi. I happened to meet him in Sochi. She happened to be in the office when I came. She happened to be in the office when I came.

proved to V proved to V He proved to be very experienced driver. He proved to be very experienced driver. Он оказался очень опытным водителем. Он оказался очень опытным водителем.

He proved to be a very good sportsman. He proved to be a very good sportsman. This problem proved to be very difficult. This problem proved to be very difficult. He proved to be one of the cleverest students in the class. He proved to be one of the cleverest students in the class. He proved to be very good specialist in this question. He proved to be very good specialist in this question. You proved to be right. You proved to be right. She proved to be a kind woman. She proved to be a kind woman.

appear to V appear to V The house arrear to have been built in the 18 th century. The house arrear to have been built in the 18 th century. По-видимому,дом был построен в 18 веке. По-видимому,дом был построен в 18 веке.

This book appear to be very interesting. This book appear to be very interesting. They appear to understand the rule very well. They appear to understand the rule very well. All the students appear to have done the test. All the students appear to have done the test. He appears to be pleased with the result of his work. He appears to be pleased with the result of his work. This book appears to have been translated by a very good translator. This book appears to have been translated by a very good translator. He doesn`t appear to know French. He doesn`t appear to know French. She doesn`t appear to have forgotten her promise. She doesn`t appear to have forgotten her promise.