SESAME STREET SONG: I DONT WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON Учитель английского языка Царевская Светлана Петровна, МБОУ СОШ 12, г. Находка.


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SESAME STREET SONG: I DONT WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON Учитель английского языка Царевская Светлана Петровна, МБОУ СОШ 12, г. Находка

Well, Id like to visit the moon

On a rocket ship high in the air

Yes Id like to visit the moon But I dont think Id like to live there.

Though Id like to look down At the earth from above

I would miss all the places And people I love. So although I might like it For one afternoon, I dont want to live on the moon

Id like to travel under the sea. I could meet all the fish everywhere.

Yes, Id travel under the sea, But I dont think Id like to live there.

I might stay for a day there If I had my wish

But theres not much to do When your friends are all fish

And an oyster and clam arent real family. So I dont want to live in the sea.

Id like to visit the jungle,

Hear the lions roar,

Go back in time and meet a dinosaur.

Theres so many strange places Id like to be But none of them permanently

So if I should visit the moon Well Ill dance on a moonbeam and then I will make a wish on a star And Ill wish I was home once again

Though Id like to look down at the earth from above

I would miss all the places And people I love.

So although I may go Ill be coming home soon. Cause I dont want To live on the Moon. No, I dont want to live on the moon.

Ресурсы Картинки: 1) B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8+%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0 %B5%D1%82%D1%8B&hl=ru&newwindow=1&client=firefox&hs=ThQ& BO6T76OKKLg4QT36pjfCQ&ved=0CGwQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=644 2) B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8+%D0%B3%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D0% BF%D0%B0+%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9&hl=ru&newwind ow=1&client=firefox&hs=9iQ& ch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=SBS6T- zGFsb24QT4p5GcCQ&ved=0CGYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=644 3) Песня: