Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ " Школы здоровья " 404 Пантелеева Ольга Юрьевна.


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Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ " Школы здоровья " 404 Пантелеева Ольга Юрьевна

Her other sa s, Grandmother is ill in ed. G to her house. Take some butter and brea. The girl is happ. M Y B O D Y

WRITE DOWN THESE WORDS IN YOUR DICTIONARIES перевод транскрипция слово тело [ b ɒ dɪ] a body нога [ l e g ] a leg рука [ a: m ] an arm нос [ n ə υ z ] a nose ухо [ɪə ] an ear зубы [ t i: θ ] teeth глаз [ aɪ ] an eye a head [ h e d ][ h e d ] голова

Clap, clap, clap your hands (хлопай в ладоши) Move your arms ( двигай руками ) Move your legs ( двигай ногами ) Tap your feet (топни ступнями) Move your body ( двигай своим телом ) Dance everybody dance ( танцует каждый ) Move body move My body your body Everybody moves Move body move My body your body Everybody moves. LETS HAVE A REST

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD 1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, what big youve got! The wolf: The wolf: All the better to hug ( обнять ) you with, my dear. Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, what big you have! The wolf: The wolf: All the better to run with, my child. Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, what big you have! The wolf: The wolf: All the better to hear ( слышать ) you with, my child. Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, what big youve got! The wolf: The wolf: All the better to see ( видеть ) with, my child. Little Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, what big youve got! The wolf: The wolf: All the better to eat ( съесть ) you up with. 2. Listen again and check your answers arms legs ears eyes teeth

1. Is it big (red, …)? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 2. Has it got big ears (teeth, …)? Yes, it has. /No, it hasnt. 3. Can it fly (run, …)? Yes, it can. /No, it cant. 4. Does it like meat (milk,…)? Yes, it does. /No, it doesnt. 5. Is it a fo х (a monkey, …)? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.

I can hear with my ears. I can hear with my ears. I can see with my eyes. I can see with my eyes. I can smell with my nose. I can smell with my nose. I can eat with my teeth. I can eat with my teeth. I can hug with my arms. I can hug with my arms. I can run with my legs. I can run with my legs.