Наречия частотности. Adverbs of Frequency. 1Смирнова М.В. 2013 г.


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Наречия частотности. Adverbs of Frequency. 1Смирнова М.В г.

always - всегда usually - обычно often - часто sometimes - иногда seldom - редко never - никогда В предложениях в Present Simple мы часто употребляем слова, которые указывают на то, как часто происходит то или иное действие. We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple. They show us how often something happens and include the following. -100% -75% -50% -35% -10% -0% 2Смирнова М.В г.

Запомни! Эти слова мы обычно ставим перед смысловым глаголом. Adverbs of frequency go before the main verbs in simply tenses but after do / does. My teacher always speaks English. I usually go to bed at 10 oclock. My sister seldom watches TV. We never eat chocolate for Breakfast. She often plays computer games in the evening. 3Смирнова М.В г.

( - / ? ) То же самое правило употребляем в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. We follow the same rules in a question or a negation. They often eat ice cream. They dont often eat ice cream. Do they often eat ice cream? 4Смирнова М.В г.

But they go after the verb to be in simple tenses. It is often cold in winter. Adverbs of frequency go after auxiliary verbs. He can never wake up before 10 oclock. 5Смирнова М.В г.