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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВалерия Ширкова
1 Listen to my statements. Agree or disagree with me. People keep animals as pets only in England. Its false. Its false. People keep animals as pets in all countries. Pets get names. Its true. People look after their pets. Its true. The most favourite pets are tigers and lions, frogs and snakes. Its false. The most favourite pets in all the countries are kittens and cats, puppies and dogs. Some people have more than one pet. Its true.
2 Answer my questions, please. 1.Where do people sometimes find little animals? People sometimes find little animals in the forests, fields, mountains and other places. 2. Can the cubs live without any help? No, the cubs cant live without any help. 3. Is it easy to take care of the cubs? It isn't easy because many people dont know how to feed them or how to take care of them. 4. What do people do with wild animals when they grew up? Sometimes people give them to the zoos or circuses.
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