FLASH CARDS! PREFIXES QUIZ #2. Cell- Chamber -cene New; recent.


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Cell- Chamber

-cene New; recent

Centi- hundredth centimeter

Centr- Center

Cephal- head

Cervic- neck cervicobrachial

Chem- Refers to chemistry chemical

Chlor- green chlorophyll

Chrom- ; -chrome color

Chym- juice

-cide killing Suicide, homicide

Circum- Around; about circumference

Cirru- Hairlike curls

Co- With; together Cohesion

Cocc- seed

Coel- hollow

Coll- glue

Com- With; together combine

Con- With; together connection

Coni- cone

Contra- against contraceptive

Corp- body corporation

Cosmo- World; order; form cosmopolitan

Cotyl- cup

Counter- against counteractive

Crypt- hidden; covered

-cule; - culus Added to nouns to form diminutive

Cucmul- heaped

Cuti- skin cuticle

Cyan- Dark blue

-cycle; cyci Ring; circle

Cyst- Bladder; pouch

Cyt-; -cyte Cell; receptacle cytoplasm

Dacty- finger

Deca- ten decagon

Deci- tenth decimal

Deliquesc- Become fluid

Demi- half demigod

Dendr- tree

Dent- teeth dentist

Derm- skin dermatologist

Di- two; double disaccharide

Dia- Through; across diagnosis

digit Finger; two

Din- terrible

Dis- Apart; out dissociate

Dorm- sleep

Dors- back

Du-; duo two

-duct lead

Dynam- power dynamite

Dys- ill; bad dysfunction

Ec- Out of; outside eccentric

Echin- Spiny; prickly

Eco- house