Технология модульного обучения на уроках иностранного языка (практика) Презентация выполнена учителем английского языка высшей категории МОУ «Средняя школа.


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Технология модульного обучения на уроках иностранного языка (практика) Презентация выполнена учителем английского языка высшей категории МОУ «Средняя школа 16» города Балаково Саратовской области, Ежовой Ж.Е.

Модуль-это законченный блок информации, разработанная учителем программа действий и советов. Уроки, разработанные в данном режиме : - обобщают материал; - предполагают индивидуальную, парную, групповую работу; -снимают неуверенность детей в себе, страх ошибиться; - позволяют учащимся пользоваться подсказкой товарища, обратиться за помощью к учителю.

Структура урока-модуля 1. Цель урока. 2. Входной контроль. 3. Учебный элемент (упражнения). 4. Выходной контроль. 5. Резюме.

Урок-модуль(практикум ) Is Reading Important? Задачи урока: 1. Совершенствование речевых навыков по теме : Reading? Why not? 2. Развитие способности к логичности и доказательности. 3. Развитие речевого умения (монологическая форма)

Цель: Восстановить у учащихся знания, полученные на предыдущих уроках Входной контроль. Make sure you can use these words. Make up as many sentences as you can. to discover new things to expand outlook to educate to learn more about… to escape from everyday life problems to explore new ideas to teach how… to give information about to feel good to make fun to spend free time not to be alone not to feel bored to relax to feel comfortable

Aim1: Interview your classmates if: how many students read books regularly; how many read them from time to time; how many don't read books; what kinds of books they prefer; what authors they like; who advises them what books to read; if they borrow books from a school library/local library/friends or relatives; if they think that reading books is important and why. Учебный элемент Предполагает цели к чему должен стремиться ученик.

Aim2 :Take a look at what famous people have said about books and reading. Which saying reflects your opinion. Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon) History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France) All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin) Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele) Reading is a vital form of communication with all of mankind, and wisdom of many ages. (Olzhas Suleymenov)

Aim3: Say what book you are reading now. The book Im reading now is… Its written by… Its about… I find it … because… I can read it.. Id recommend it… because…

Aim 4: Put these phrases into logical order. I highly recommend it. When I was a schoolgirl I read it over and over. You will like it, too. Good afternoon. I'd like to exchange books. How did you like it? No, not. yet. But the title sounds promis­ing. Good afternoon. Very good. What book are you returning? What would you like to take today? Here it is. It was fantastic! I enjoyed it very much. I don't know yet. Can you recommend me something exciting? If you like adventure stories I advise you to read "Treasure Island" by Robert Stevenson. Have you read it? Thank you for your good advice. I am sure I shall like it.

Выходной контроль. Цель: показать результат. Many people spend their free time reading. Say if you can do without reading. Резюме. Цель: отражение учеником его восприятия урока.