Ancient Rome. So what are the Key Concepts in this Unit? 2.1. The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions New religions grow.


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Ancient Rome

So what are the Key Concepts in this Unit? 2.1. The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions New religions grow out of old Universal truths New gender roles Influence on culture 2.2. The Development of States and Empires New administrative systems made to control large empires Centralized government Bureaucracy Diplomacy Patriarchy remained 2.3. Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange Land and water trade routes (Silk Road, trans- Sahara, Indian Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea) New technologies made trade easier Trade - goods, ideas, and diseases Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies, c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 C.E.

The Geography of Rome and Italy

Quick History of Rome 753 BCE 509 BCE 27 BCE 476 CE Ancient Period Roman Republic Period Roman Empire Period Etruscans and Greek colonists rule Italy and found Rome Romans start Republic BCE Rome takes over the Italian peninsula Octavian becomes Caesar Augustus Here are the quick facts for this unit. 215 – 148 BCE Romans defeat Antigonid and Seleucid Greeks 264 – 146 BCE Punic Wars against Carthage CE Diocletian divides Empire into two parts 476 CE Western Roman Empire falls Eastern Empire continues as Byzantium 313 CE Constantine makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire

Italy before the Rise of Rome Etruscans originally from Anatolia Colonized Roman regions Society declines late 6 th c. BCE Greek maritime attacks Celtic invasions from north

Italy before the Rise of Rome Legend of Romulus and Remus Rome Founded 753 BCE Indo-European migrants c BCE Bronze c BCE, Iron c. 900 BCE Monarchy through 7 th -6 th c. BCE Streets, temples, public buildings Major center of trade routes

The Roman Republic 509 BCE – 27 BCE

Roman Republic 509 BCE Romans overthrow last Etruscan king Roman forum built Republican constitution Executive: 2 consuls senate 2 Consuls (Rulers of Rome) Senate (Representative body for patricians) Tribal Assembly (Representative body for plebeians) Twelve Tables Twelve Tables, c. 450 BCE Adapted to diverse populations under Roman Rule Innocent until proven guilty Right to challenge accusers in court

Carthage and the Punic Wars Conflict with Carthage, BCE Three major wars over Sicilian grain supply Later conflict with declining Hellenistic Empires Rome dominates Mediterranean by middle of 2 nd C. BCE

Land distribution Perennial problem Development of large latifundia Unfair competition for smaller landholders Rome Expands – Domestic Problems The Gracchi Brothers Attempted to limit land holdings of aristocrats Assassinated Development of private armies made up of landless peasants Gaius Marius (with reformers) Lucius Cornelius Sulla (with aristocrats) Tiberius and Gaius

Rome Expands – Domestic Problems Gaius Marius (with reformers) Lucius Cornelius Sulla (with aristocrats) Nephew of Marius Escapes Sullas terror Relatively young, well-timed trip abroad Rises to popularity Public spectacles, victories in Gaul Attacks Rome 49 BCE Names self Dictator for life in 46 BCE Julius Caesar

Andrew Marrs History of the World: Julius Caesar Episode 3: 16:52 – 26:57

Julius Caesar Centralized military, governance under personal control Redistribution of land to war veterans, other allies Major building projects reduce urban unemploymnent Extended citizenship to provinces Aristocrats threatened, assassinate Caesar in 44 BCE

The Assassination of Julius Caesar

Caesar Augustus Civil conflict follows death of Caesar Nephew Octavian fights Mark Antony & Cleopatra Takes title Augustus 27 BCE Monarchy disguised as a republic Increasing centralization of political, military power Stablilized empire Death in 14 CE

The Roman Empire, c. 117 CE Roman occupation of increasingly remote areas Gaul, Germany, Britain, Spain Coordination of crop production, transport of natural resources Developed infrastructure, cities emerge Pax Romana (Roman Peace) CE Facilitated trade, communication Roadwork Curbs, drainage, milestones Postal service Latifundia: production for export Regional specialization increases Integration of Empire-wide economy Mediterranean Sea: Mare Nostrum, our sea

The City of Rome Cash flow Taxes, tribute, spoils, commerce Massive construction projects Statuary, monumental architecture, aqueducts Technology: concrete Imported goods Underground sewage Circus Maximus 250,000 spectators Colosseum Gladitorial Games

Family and Society Pater Familias: father of the family – Right to arrange marriages, sell children into slavery Women not allowed to inherit property – Rarely enforced

Wealth and Social Change Newly rich challenge aristocracy Yet poor class increasing in size Distraction: Bread and Circuses

Slavery 2 nd c. CE: estimated at 1/3 of Empire population – Customary manumission at age 30 Agricultural work, quarries, mines Chain labor Revolt under Spartacus, 73 BCE

Roman Deities Polytheistic Major gods Tutelary deities (guardian spirits) Absorption of gods from other cultures

Cicero and Stoicism Marcus Tullius Cicero ( BCE) Major orator, writer Influenced by Greek thought Proponent of Stoicism

Mithraism From Zoroastrian myth: god of Sun, light Roman version emphasizes strength, courage, discipline Women not admitted into cult Appealed to military Cult of Isis also popular

Judaism in Early Rome Jewish monotheism at odds with most ancient cultures Refusal to recognize state gods Repeated Jewish rebellions Romans finally crush Jewish self-governance in Jewish Wars (66-70 CE)

The Essenes Messianic Jewish Cult Baptism Ascetic lifestyle Dead Sea Scrolls

Jesus of Nazareth Jewish teacher Moral code, reputation for miracle- working Romans fear instigation of rebellion, crucify Jesus

Andrew Marrs History of the World: Saul of Tarsus Episode 3: 26:57 – 44:30

28 Jesus Early Followers Belief in Jesus resurrection, divine nature Title Christ: Anointed One Teachings recorded in New Testament

Paul of Tarsus Extends teachings far beyond Jewish circles Intensive travel, missionary activity

Early Christian Communities Local leaders: Bishops Regional variation in doctrine and ritual – Nature of resurrection – Role of women Gradual acceptance of core texts

Growth of Early Christianity Roman persecution Yet dramatic expansion of Christianity – Especially with dispossessed, disenfranchised classes Urban poor women

The End

Roman Aqueducts

The Roman Colosseum

The Colosseum Interior

Circus Maximus

Hannibals Route

Reform Leaders Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus the poor should be given grain and small plots of free land. Military Reformer Gaius Marius recruited an army from the poor and homeless. professional standing army.

PompeyPompey Civil War & Dictators Julius Caesar

Crossing the Rubicon, 49 BC The Die is Cast!

The First Triumvirate Julius Caesar Marcus Licinius Crassus Gaius Magnus Pompey

Beware the Ides of March! 44 BCE

The Second Triumvirate Octavian Augustus Marc Antony Marcus Lepidus

Octavian Augustus: Romes First Emperor

The First Roman Dynasty

Pax Romana : 27 BCE – 180 CE

The Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire – 14 CE

The Rise of Christianity

St. Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles

The Spread of Christianity

Imperial Roman Road System

The Empire in Crisis: 3c

Diocletian Splits the Empire in Two: 294 CE


Constantinople: The 2 nd Rome (Founded in 330)

Barbarian Invasions: 4c-5c

Attila the Hun: The Scourge of God

Byzantium: The Eastern Roman Empire

The Byzantine Empire During the Reign of Justinian

The Byzantine Emperor Justinian

The Legacy of Rome Republic Government Republic Government Roman Law Roman Law Latin Language Latin Language Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church City Planning City Planning Romanesque Architectural Style Romanesque Architectural Style Roman Engineering Roman Engineering Aqueducts Aqueducts Sewage systems Sewage systems Dams Dams Cement Cement Arch Arch