…USED TO… Used [ju:st] to refers to habits or repeated actions in the past (past customs). I used to catch bigger fish when I was younger. = = I usually.


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Used [ju:st] to refers to habits or repeated actions in the past (past customs). I used to catch bigger fish when I was younger. = = I usually caught bigger fish when I was younger. Who used to take you out when you were little? = Who usually took you out when you were little? I used not to get bad marks when I was at school. = I usually didnt get bad marks when I was at school.

Used in used to is pronounced [ju:st]. The verb to use in the past indefinite (used) is pro­nounced [ju:zd]. Read it correctly. I used to play volleyball when I was a student. I used my microwave oven to warm my dinner. I used my dictionary to look up new words. I used this brush to clean my boots. I used to follow my mothers advice when I was young. In my childhood I used to play with my little cousins.

Say: what sort of food you used to eat when you were a child what the people of your family used to do last summer what your friends used to wear last winter what your grandparents used to do when they were little what you used to do to help your parents or brothers and sisters

Disagree. When Harry was little he used to cry a lot. They used to explore the forests when they were in South Africa. She used to like fish. He used to work in that company. We used to be good friends. Nelly used to be interested in stamps. John used to be fond of animals.

Express your doubt. My Granny used to cook fantastic pancakes. My Grandad used to help his grandchildren. Nelly used to be very much interested in science. The pupils used to learn a lot of facts about the main cities of Russia. She used to live in a small village. He used to get interesting information about space and space trips.

George Medley is listening to a guide telling tourists about his town. Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable verb. 1.Our town is very busy now. 2.We have a big cinema complex. 3.This is a very important factory. 4.The river isnt very clean today. 5.This street is the main shopping centre now. 6.We have a very good bus service. 7.Weve got lots of fast food cafes. 8.Our town is a good place to live. 1.It … very quiet. 2.It … a school. 3.I … football in the park there. 4.I … in that river. 5.Our family … at number Everybody … to the shops. 7.We … at home. 8.It … better.

George Medley is listening to a guide telling tourists about his town. Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable verb. 1.Our town is very busy now. 2.We have a big cinema complex. 3.This is a very important factory. 4.The river isnt very clean today. 5.This street is the main shopping centre now. 6.We have a very good bus service. 7.Weve got lots of fast food cafes. 8.Our town is a good place to live. 1.It … very quiet. 2.It … a school. 3.I … football in the park there. 4.I … in that river. 5.Our family … at number Everybody … to the shops. 7.We … at home. 8.It … better.