T HE P ROBLEM OF PROFESSIONAL CHOICE Authors: Olyunina Anastasia Kiryakova Svetlana Teacher: Sandakova T.A.


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T HE P ROBLEM OF PROFESSIONAL CHOICE Authors: Olyunina Anastasia Kiryakova Svetlana Teacher: Sandakova T.A.

The goal: E xplanation how important is a question about professional choice for teenagers. The problems: Learning theoretical points of view on professional orientation. Holding the exploration about the most important and popular professions. The comparison of professional choice in the USA and in Russia. The expression of our own opinion about future professional choice.

I NTRODUCTION : In our time, humanity has become a highly developed structure of the community with the power of various social institutions.

M ETHODS OF RESEARCH : Interview. Intercommunication. Questioning. Review of the literature.

A CTUALITY OF THE TOPIC : In modern psychology, the problem of own professional choice is one of the most topical. Professional experience is an important side of human life, which provides a complete self-realization, the actualization of all human opportunities.

B ASIC EFFECTIVE CRITERIONS : 1. Sufficient information about occupations and ways of its receipt. 2. Need for substantiate alternative of trades 3. Extent of self-knowledge of pupil. 4. Presence by pupil substantiate trades plan


R ESEARCHES 3.1 Comparative analysis of the « Professional orientation of students from the USA and Russia »

3.2. Analysis of the information "The demand of professions

3.3 Application « Questioning of 9 and 11 classes on professional choice »

3.4 Interview « Personalitys qualities defining trade »

3.5 The Internets interrogation « Analysis of professions choice by student »

P ERSONAL OPINION ABOUT THIS PROBLEM Olyunina Anastasia: «… As for me, I made my choice long time ago. I want to become a diplomat or translator. My choice of this occupation was not a surprise because I enjoy working with people. I would like to help people to communicate. Sure, this profession is so hard and demands skilled knowledge but it is very interesting and useful for development of your brain. Also, this job requires certain skills, such as good manners, charisma, responsibility and others… »

Kiryakova Svetlana : «…I have not yet chosen my future profession. I think about jobs of a diplomat, designer and translator. Every of these professions has some pluses and minuses. But the best feature which I like is connection with foreign languages. Also I prefer creative, interesting, well-paid professions …»