УМК New Millennium English 10 Н.Н.Деревянко, С.В.Жаворонкова Unit 8, Lesson 4 By Elena Kolobaeva, Julia Shalakina group 751 Computer Addiction.


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УМК New Millennium English 10 Н.Н.Деревянко, С.В.Жаворонкова Unit 8, Lesson 4 By Elena Kolobaeva, Julia Shalakina group 751 Computer Addiction

Цель - развивать языковые навыки и умения в их целостности. Практические задачи Формировать грамматический навык на стадии ознакомления и тренировки (to prevent sb from smth) Формировать лексический навык на стадии применения (тема «Компьютерная зависимость») Развивать умение чтения с полным пониманием Образовательные задачи Познакомить учеников с понятием «Компьютерная зависимость» Воспитательные задачи Воспитывать умение работать в паре Развивающие задачи Развивать умение формулировать и выражать собственное мнение Развивать способности анализа и синтеза Развивать креативное, творческое мышление, воображение

Have you got profiles in vkontakte, facebook, twitter, myspace? How often do you check updates? How do you communicate with your friends mostly: via the internet or in person? Can you say how much time you spend in the internet? Do you know about the existence of the disease when you are addicted to computer? Whats the name of this disease?

Look at the board, there you can see a bubble scheme about computer addiction. We will complete it during the whole lesson. Now well watch a video about this disease. Complete the bubble scheme with all the possible consequences of computer addiction. ated Computer Addiction Solutions Consequences Reasons

What consequences did you manage to write down? Consequences Falling asleep in class Neglecting of homework Grades slipping Lying Aggressivenes s

I know one pupil who suffers from computer addiction and he told me about his consequences. He wrote a model-text. Now look at the screen and read it to yourselves. Something is happening in my life. I sit up late, it prevents me from sleeping. I dont eat mummys pancakes, it prevents me from eating. I neglect my studies, it prevents me from learning. I dont see my friends, it prevents me from talking. I goggle at the screen, it prevents me from walking. I have no idea what to do.

What is the model-text about? Have you understood everything? Have you had something of the kind in your life? Do you suffer from the same problem? Why did Mr. Johns use Present Perfect when writing a poem? Try to guess what the phrase means. Translate it. to prevent somebody from doing something

Now match 2 columns. Who can prevent you from doing these things? WhoFrom what My little brotherTo breathe fresh air My dogTo do my homework My neighborsTo have a rest Car exhaust fumesTo have a cat Hard workTo listen to music loudly Make sentences according to the example. Example: My little brother prevents me from doing my homework.

In this sentences try to make sentences, according to the example. Example: TV/ Mike/ to read TV prevents Mike from reading. 1. Computers/ Bill/ to meet with friends __________________________________ 2. Fast food/ Sally/ to lose weight __________________________________ 3. Pets/ the Smiths/ to go on a vocation __________________________________ 4. Rain/ Jane/ to walk in the park __________________________________ 5. Jacks girlfriend/ he/ to watch a football match

And now its your time to write a model-text about computer addiction. But before that I want to remind you of the criteria according to which you must write your texts: 1. It must be short: from 5 to 9 lines. 2. You must use the structure to prevent somebody from something. 3. It must have a logical conclusion. Divide into pairs and start creating! If you dont suffer from internet addiction, write about someone who suffers from it.

Now lets choose the best piece of writing and its time for you to present your texts and for us to vote. Dont forget about the criteria which were given to you before writing. (Ss read their texts to the class and then vote for the best one).

Thank you for your work. I hope it was rather interesting for you to try such kind of activity. Now lets fill the following table in: I have learntNow I canIts still difficult