Игра-викторина «Крестики-нолики» Crosses & O s(8 th form)


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Игра-викторина «Крестики-нолики» Crosses & O s(8 th form)

Пояснительная записка Цели игры: закрепить пройденный материал; повысить интерес учащихся к английскому языку; создать положительную мотивацию у слабых и средних учеников. Правила: Группа (класс) делится на 2 группы («крестики» и «нолики»). На доске рисуется квадрат с 9 окнами. Команда ставит свой значок в окне, если правильно выполняет всё задание. Побеждает та команда, которая поставит больше своих значков.

TASK N1. WORD- COCTAIL You should say as many words connecting with topic Traditions as you remember during 1 minute. You must speak one team by the other one. The last who says a word – wins!

TASK N2. Mess. You are to make up sentences. One word is odd.(5 minutes only) 1) your, are, celebrations, what, favourite, winter, in, school? 2) can, tennis, Mike, well, he, play, very. 3) my, good, sisters, is, Mary, name.

TASK N3. Lost Tags. (find the tags to each sentence in 5 minutes) 1. He likes reading books, 2. They are fond of holidays, 3. We have written the letter, 4. She didnt come to Moscow, 5. You wont bring the post, a) havent we? b) doesnt he? c) will you? d) did she? e) arent they?

TASK N4. Grammar Auction. (you should buy sentences without mistakes; you have 5minutes to discuss the lots) 1. People enjoy almost all the holidays. 2. They has got the first prize. 3. He hated his birthday because he became older, not younger. 4. Pupils did write a composition in a proper way. 5. There are two chairs, a computer and a sofa in her room.

TASK N5. Broken Words. (make up one word out of two) 1.respect- 2.school- 3.music- 4.black- 5.child- 6.kinder- 7.Edin- 8.class- a) board b) mates c) hood d) ful e) al f) children g) garten h) burg

TASK N6. Politeness. (translate from Russian into English) Помогите, пожалуйста! Большое спасибо! Дайте ручку, пожалуйста. Доброе утро. До свидания. Рад тебя видеть. Извините.