Past Perfect Passive. Образуется при помощи глагола had (not в отрицаниях) + been+причастие прошедшего времени (окончание -ed для правильных глаголов,


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Past Perfect Passive

Образуется при помощи глагола had (not в отрицаниях) + been+причастие прошедшего времени (окончание -ed для правильных глаголов, 3 форма – для неправильных): Jim didnt know about the change of plans. He hadnt been told. – Джим не знал об изменении планов. Ему ничего не сказали.

All the tickets had already been sold out by the time Peter and Mary arrived = Все билеты уже были распроданы к тому времени, как Питэр и Мэри прибыли. He had already been sent to help them when you called = Его уже послали им на помощь, когда ты позвонил.

The admission to the London University had been finished by October 1. All the water had been drunk before the order arrived. I had been called many times. The bill had been paid. My cellphone had been stolen.

Many diaries that had been written by Leningrad juornalists, students and even schoolchildren during the war were destroyed by bombing and fire.

Translate sentences into Russian: 1) All the tickets had already been sold out by the time Peter and Mary arrived. 2) When I returned home, my wife told me that all the things had already been packed and they were ready to start. 3) The room had been prepared for them but they didn't come. 4) I had a letter from my sister some days ago. She wrote she had been accepted to the university. 5) By 5 o'clock the experiment had already been completed. 6) They realized that the telegram hadn't been received. 7) They told me that the job hadn't been done by time.

Translate sentences into Russian: 8) I thought that the book had already been read by her. 9) The house had already been reached when it begun snowing. 10) I was sure that the work had been done by Mike. 11) He told me that the building had been built some 50 years ago. 12) No excuses could be found for the crimes he had done. 13) When we got to the cinema, the performance had been already started.

Translate sentences into Russian : 1) Я была очень рада, когда узнала, что моего сына пригласили принять участие в международной конференции. 2) Мне пришлось подождать, секретарь сказала, что документы ещё не подписаны. 3) Вчера я встретила Аню. Она сказала, что ей прислали посылку. 4) Она сказала, что к вечеру все вещи уже были упакованы. 5) Маленькая Катя была счастлива. Ей подарили коробку шоколада. 6) Она была разочарована. Ей не принесли приглашение на вечер. 7) Когда я вернулся, статью уже перевели.

Check your translation 1) I was very glad when I found out, that my son had been invited to take part in the international conference. 2) I had to wait. The secretary said that the documents hadnt been signed yet. 3) I met Ann yesterday. She said that she had been sent a parcel. 4) She said that by the evening all the things had already been packed. 5) The little Kate was happy. She had been presented a box of chocolate. 6) She was disappointed. She hadnt been brought an invitation for the party. 7) When I was back, the article had already been translated