English Words in Everyday Language of the Youth. Today in Russian speech we hear many English words. English words take up a strong place in youth speech.


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© Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ 72, 2007 г.

English Words in Everyday Language of the Youth

Today in Russian speech we hear many English words. English words take up a strong place in youth speech. Some of these words came into our speech and we dont notice that they are English, we use English words free.

We can hear English words practically every day in the magazines and newspapers, on TV, in chats, in messages and in everyday speech of the young people. Thats why the theme of English words in Russian language is actually for me.

The aim of my research work was to find out, how often and why young people use English words in their speech.

During my work I have made a survey called What youth magazines do you regularly read? among pupils of my school.

magazine Oops! Magazine Oops! article «Ты идешь искать! » There are 1159 words in text – 10 from them are English words, it is about 1 percent. magazine Yes! Magazine Yes!, article «Техника на грани знакомства». There are 1469 words and 13 from them are English words, it is about 1 percent.

Also I have made a survey called «What TV programme do you watch regularly?»

In ПрожекторПерисХилтон programme during 150 seconds 3 English words were used. Every 35 seconds I can hear an English word. In Музыкальный суд programme during 431 seconds 3 English words were used. Every 144 seconds I can hear an English word.

« Молодёжный чат», « Лиска», « Поболтаем?;)». There were 326 words and 16 of these words are English words (4%)

There were 617 words in SMS and 15 of these words are English words (2%).

Аська (ICQ) – программа, позволяющая людям общаться в Интернете в режиме он-лайн; Блютус – Bluetooth – маленький радиопередатчик; Бойфренд – boyfriend – a man or boy with whom a person has a romantic relationship – парень; Геймер – gamer – игрок; Грант – сертификат; Диск – disk – a flat piece of plastic that stores information for use by a computer; Журналист – journalist – a person whose job is to collect and write about news in newspapers and magazines or to talk about it on TV or radio; Интернет – the Internet – the international system of computers – глобальная сеть; Клуб- club – a group of people who meet regularly to share an interest, the place where they meet; Компьютер – computer – an electronic machine that can store, find information, etc;

Коммент – comment – something that you say or write that gives your opinion about sth – комментарий; Коннект – connect – to be joined to sth, to join sth to sth else; Лайн – line – a long thin mark on the surface of sth – линия; Мэйк-ап – make-up – powder, cream, etc that you put on your face to make yourself more attractive – макияж; Ник – имя; Ноутбук – notebook – a small book in which you write things that you want to remember – мини-компьютер; Он-лайн – прямой эфир; Офис – office – a room where people work, sitting at desks – контора; Пинк – pink –a pale red colour – розовый; Пипл – people – more than one person – люди, народ; Плиз – please – used a polite way of asking for sth – пожалуйста; Постер – poster – a large printed picture that is put on a wall – плакат; Сайт – site – a piece of land where a building was; Сервер – server – a computer that stores information that a number of computers can share; Сити – city – a large and important town – город;

Скейтборд – skateboard – a short narrow board with small wheels at each end that you can stand on; Смайлы – smile – an expression on your face in which the corners of your mouth turn up, showing happiness – улыбочки; Сноуборд – snowboard – a type of board that you fasten to both your feet and use for moving down mountains that are covered with snow; Супер – super – bigger, better, stronger than other things of the same type – самый; Суперэксклюзивный – superexclusive – only to be used by or given to one person – редкий, необычный; Тест – test – a short exam to measure sbs knowledge – опрос, анкета; Уикенд – weekend – Saturday and Sunday – выходной; Универ – university – an institution that provides the highest level of education – университет; Фанат – fun – pleasure and enjoyment – поклонник; Форева – forever – for all time, permanently – навсегда; Френды – friend – a person that you know and like and who likes you – друзья;

Хай – hi – an informal word used when you meet sb you know well – привет; Хэллоу – hello – an informal word used when you meet sb you know well – привет; Хэппи-энд – happy-end – счастливый конец; Чарт – chart – a drawing which shows information in the form of a diagram; Чат – chat – a friendly informal conversation – беседа с несколькими людьми одновременно; Шопинг – shopping – the activity of going to the shops and buying things – делать покупки; Шоу – show – a type of entertainment performed for an audience; Шоу бизнес – show business – the business of entertaining people; Юмор – humor – the funny or amusing qualities of sb, sth; Call me – позвони; DJ – disc jockey – a person who plays records and talks about music on the radio or in a club; Live journal – живой журнал; Love story – любовная история; MP3 – плеер; MTV – musical television; Ok – okay – agreement or permission – хорошо.

Historical reason. It is connected first of all with the post-war device of the world. The youth considered that some English words are more comfortable for pronunciation than their Russian meanings. Social reason. These words mean that they are among special layer of society. This layer - the youth of the XXI century.

In my opinion, in future English words will become more popular among the youth. English will develop and young people will use English words.

...and our task doesnt forget about native language.